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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Saturday 30th July 2011 09:03
For Love of Family
Great chapter, keep on writing. I love stories about Harry and Ginny and their family.
Saturday 30th July 2011 15:13For Love of Family (Author Response)
There's a lot of family going on in this story because it's the support of his family which ultimately encourages Harry to return to an active life rather than give up living as best he can. Thanks for writing to me. I hope you will leave more reviews. Until next Thursday...
Tuesday 21st June 2011 10:47
For Love of Family
The opening scene here was very disturbing and unsettling, as i'm sure you were aiming for. I presumed immediately that it was the boy from Hogwarts who James had been glad would not be there for a match - and wondered about how James would react to finding out the boy was now paralyzed. I liked reading about supportive Kendra was when he started feeling guilty. I hope we see more of her and their relationship.

I think the way that Stilwell handled everything was admirable, he's growing on me and I think he's trying really hard to help with this investigation in his own way. I'm also increasingly uncomfortable that it was one of the people works along side causing this damage and that the others are still at large.

Its brilliant that Harry's really made amends for his previous behavior and is now not only there for his family, but for other people like Brian and his parents. I really hope he starts to have more confidence in himself and his independence soon.
Tuesday 21st June 2011 23:50For Love of Family (Author Response)
I like writing the James/Kendra relationship as much as you like reading about it. Since their parents aren't available to dispense support and advice, it's natural they should comfort each other. And yes, Kendra will be making more appearances in future chapters.

The more I write Healer Stilwell, the more I like this original character. He really is a good man; he's dedicated to relieving his patients' suffering and genuinely cares about helping them return to mainstream society, maybe not completely whole, but darned close to it. And now that one of the perpetraters has been captured, his ward will be just a little safer.

As for Harry, when he helps Brian and his parents, he's helping himself recover faster as well. He still has an uphill battle ahead of him, but the slope is an easy one and that makes a big difference.

Thanks for your thoughtful review. Until Thursday...
raptor red
Tuesday 14th June 2011 05:05
For Love of Family
i absolutely adore Ron telling Harry that he will find the courage to "come back" just because of who Harry is. endurance and greatness is embedded in Harry's being. ^_^ Quaffle and Snitch...definitely great owl names!
Tuesday 14th June 2011 10:06For Love of Family (Author Response)
Time and again Ron has watched Harry pick up the pieces of his life and put them back together, resulting in a teenager and now an adult who is all that much stronger for the experience. As for the owl's names, they needed to reflect who Harry and Ginny are and if you look at the names of wizards and witches associated with Quidditch on the HP Lexicon, you'll see that the founder of the Nimbus Broom Company is named Whitehorn, the name of James' owl. By the way, even though she hasn't used her owl in this story, Hermione's owl's name is Einstein. Thanks for writing. I look forward to your next review. Until Thursday...
Monday 13th June 2011 12:04
For Love of Family
Love this Chapter! Still kinda sad though.....
Monday 13th June 2011 13:49For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it. I'm beginning to think that even during the happy parts of this story the overall tone of it is sad just because no one wants to see Harry in a wheelchair or see others hurt or hurting. Things will get better as Harry and his family learn to cope and the investigation goes better for Ron. Thanks for reviewing.
Thursday 9th June 2011 18:15
For Love of Family

Sorry I haven't reviewed before now but I have been addicted to reading this story since the start and it is absolutely magnificent!!! Very touching and heartwarming! This is an extremely brilliant storyline which is what caught my eye and you are handling a difficult plot with royal aplomb! Always love something different especially H/G!! I also enjoy seeing an older golden quartet and the kids! I haven't figured out who the psyco healer behind this is yet but if I were her I'd be less worried about the aurors and more worried about Ginny finding her out! She'd stand a better chance against a dragon with a headache than Ginny in a snit! I've read your other stories and you never disappoint me! As a published author, I can tell you have a marvelous talent for the written word! Thank you for sharing it with us! Waiting with baited breath for the next chapter!
Thursday 9th June 2011 22:11For Love of Family (Author Response)
There's no need to apologize for not reviewing until now. I often find myself with only enough time to read someone's chapter and store away the parts I want to talk about when I do have the time to review. Then, when I do review the entire story I've thus far, I find that my reviews are sometimes more insightful than when I review chapter by chapter. I think this is the case with you.

I absolutely love your comment about the psycho healer needing to be afraid of Ginny. That is so true and I'm just glad Ginny is a reporter rather than an Auror at this point. Thank goodness it's going to be Ron going after the perpetrator... He's just as emotionally involved with the case as Ginny is, but his training and sense of responsibility will hopefully help him keep his temper in check when he arrests her.

Thank you for your kind words about my writing abilities. You've made my day and I hope you continue to like the rest of the story. Until next Thursday...
Thursday 9th June 2011 15:42
For Love of Family
Things are really moving along. This is terrible than another has to experience the same kind of injury as Harry. It is great that Ron caught the one using the spell to activate the poison that triggered the same response as the Cruciatus Curse. No one, especially a teenage boy should have to experience pain like that. I hope the fact that this person works in St. Mungo's will help them find the person responsible for all of this. She needs to be stopped. It is great that Harry is willing to help Brian through his therapy at the Grove's. Especially to be there for Brian when he needs someone to talk to. Especially someone who knows what he is going through. I'm glad that Harry authorized the extra guard for Brian. He deserves to be protected from anyone who would do him harm. I'm glad that Ginny is giving her kids other thing to think about besides their father's problems. That helps them keep living their lives. Very well done. Thanks for writing. On the side. I wrote to the author I had the problem with and I told them I had written to another author but I assured them that I did not tell them their name or the name of their story. I don't want to hurt anyone. Thanks for listenting. p
Thursday 9th June 2011 09:41
For Love of Family
Thank you for not turning James into a selfish prig as so many authors do! Your mystery is getting better and better...the "pollyanna" in me is hoping for a good ending for Harry and Brian. Are we going to get more of Ginny? Who is supporting her through all of this? I appreciate how faithful you are with updates and can't wait until the next one! Thanks for writing!
Thursday 9th June 2011 09:53For Love of Family (Author Response)
I could never turn James into a selfish prig. Although his personality is a mixture of both his parents', he's so much more like his dad was at this age than Ginny. His parents have taught him well to think of others before himself and he's beginning to take that responsibility to heart, again just like his father.

As for the ending, it depends on what you mean by a "good" ending for Harry and Brian. If you want them to accept and live with whatever limitations they have, that's a reasonable ending, but if you want them to be like they were before they were hurt, that probably will never happen. I have three endings to this story and as of right now, I have no idea which one I'll use... Gee... another mystery!

Oh, yes, we'll see a lot more of Ginny in coming chapters. She needs her time "in the spotlight" and now that Harry is recovering at a steady pace, it's her turn to "shine". Keep reading each week and you'll find out just how all of this has affected her.

Thanks for your thoughtful comments. Until next Thursday...
Grandma Kate
Thursday 9th June 2011 09:04
For Love of Family
The plot thickens. Our wicked witch does the dastardly deeds but a wizard who is the Matron's Assistant is caught.
Ron hurtled out of Brian's cubicle and made a flying leap towards the fleeing Matron's Assistant, tackling the man as he sprinted past.
I love Ron in this story.

Harry and James seem to be in better frames of mind.
Thursday 9th June 2011 09:10For Love of Family (Author Response)
I've always thought Hermione knew what she was doing when she began fancying Ron rather than someone from Ravenclaw. It's just taken Ron a while to come into his own and now with Harry out of commission, he's taken on the responsibility with a mature attitude; writing him like this is a lot of fun. I'm glad you like how I'm portraying Ron.

And yes, Harry and James do feel better about themselves in this chapter. Thanks for your kind words. Until next Thursday...
Thursday 9th June 2011 08:55
For Love of Family
If someone involved in healing people willingly and knowingly hurts patients, it's the ultimate betrayal. The only good thing that comes from this is that Harry will start feeling useful, which is an important step in his rehabilitation.
Thursday 9th June 2011 09:13For Love of Family (Author Response)
I completely agree with you. However, this world has many embittered people in it who are willing to stop at nothing to get the revenge they want on someone they perceive has done them wrong.

As for Harry, he now has another purpose to keep working so he'll be strong enough to provide Brian and his parents the support they need.

Thanks for your thoughtful comments.