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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Tuesday 18th October 2011 08:30
For Love of Family
Victoire's reassurance towards Teddy was so gentle, she really reminds me of a much softer spoken Fleur! It was heart breaking to see Harry torture himself about his sexual relationship with Ginny. I'm constantly learning about sexuality and how patients who go through trauma's cope with their sexual lives and its often ignored that people in wheelchairs, or anyone who is de-sexualised, such as elderly patients or patients with learning disabilities still have sexualities and still long for human touch. I enjoy that you are not ignoring this.

Your writing is still wonderful and i'm very happy to be back reading this fanfiction, hoping to catch up over the next few days! (You'll have fun reading all these reviews so late.. sorry! *sheepish grin*)
Tuesday 18th October 2011 12:15For Love of Family (Author Response)
They say a child is a mixture of both parents and I think Victoire ended up with the best of both Bill and Fleur: Bill's patience and Fleur's perceptiveness when it comes to other people.

When my friend and I were discussing how Harry would react to Ginny's absence, I knew intinctively that he'd blame himself, but my friend brought up the fact that he'd not only do that, but also wonder if his wife was sticking around out of genuine love or just duty. She says that it's common for people like Harry to wonder if they should give their partner his or her freedom which led me to decide that Ginny genuinely loves Harry so deeply that if he gave her her freedom, she'd never be the same. In short, they both crave each other's touch no matter how limited it has become.

Again, I'm having fun going back and review the chapters and look forward to your next reviews.
Friday 19th August 2011 23:13
For Love of Family
I felt badly for Harry, but I think it will do him good in the long run to have had a good cry. Real men are allowed to cry and mourn the people and things they have lost. Love the flying chair idea; I'm so proud of the boys for setting it up, and the grownups for not vetoing the idea out of hand.
Friday 19th August 2011 23:45For Love of Family (Author Response)
I think the adults present at The Burrow realize just how important it is for the younger members of the family to try to help Harry. That's why Molly didn't try harder to stop the boys from flying the wheelchair up the stairs to bring Harry down.

I've only seen my husband cry once in the twenty years I've known him. He shed just a few tears when we learned of the death of one of his childhood friends. I'm glad you approve of Harry's need for a good cry.

Thanks for reviewing.
Thursday 18th August 2011 18:54
For Love of Family
Great chapter! I love the wheelchair broom combo!
Friday 19th August 2011 09:07For Love of Family (Author Response)
Harry needed something to smile about, so his sons and nephews made the effort to anger Molly and make him smile. Thanks for the comment.
Thursday 18th August 2011 16:50
For Love of Family
(Note: siye came back up Sunday afternoon US). This was a marvelous chapter and you captured Harry's feelings perfectly! The self doubt, inadequacy about his manhood and fear of losing Ginny over it all are perfectly normal and to be expected in Harry's situation! He was due for a breakdown like that! He needs to talk to someone like Ginny did to help him sort things out - and you are right - that person needs to be Ginny! I hope he doesn't ask Ginny if she wants to leave him for another man - that'll make Ginny madder than a dragon with strep throat and Harry has already suffered enough injuries! Thanks for such a great story! Until next Thursday!
Friday 19th August 2011 09:11For Love of Family (Author Response)
I saw that.

Neither Harry nor Ginny will ask that question of the other. It's now just a matter of time and scarcity of a private place to talk at The Burrow than anything else.

Thanks for your kind words.
Thursday 18th August 2011 16:11
For Love of Family
I hope that Harry and Ginny talk soon! You can tell that this is really tearing them apart, yet they dont seem to realize that just talking to eachother would help tremendously. I love the idea with turning the wheelchair into a broom! I wonder if that's what Ginny will come home too and realize that Harry is really ok...
Friday 19th August 2011 10:13For Love of Family (Author Response)
I promise they will talk again. They just don't have the privacy they need with twenty-two people at The Burrow. In the meantime, the Weasley/Potter boys did what they do best; invented something to make Harry smile. I think Ginny will smile, too, when she sees Harry flying again, don't you? Thanks for commenting. Until next Thursday...
Thursday 18th August 2011 12:10
For Love of Family
This is a very good example of the torture we all put ourselves through when we know we are part if not all of the problem. Harry's concerns are very understandable. He has lived most of his life knowing he is a wizard and an athletic active man. To have all of that damaged so severly is devastating to him. His fears about Ginny's feelings for him are real but he also knows that he may have to make the maximum sacrifice and let her go if that is what she wants. Of course she doesn't want to let him go. She wants him back the way he was. It is too bad he couldn't turn over before she fell asleep the other night after crying. He really needs to talk to her. That is the only way they will work this out. Time will make improvements in his abilities. Being a man it is hard for Harry to let his emotions go but a good cry does a person good if they let it. The fact that the boys found a way for Harry to fly is great. Getting the chair down the stairs flying was great and I'm sure has given Harry a boost in his confidence. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. This is a great story. p
Friday 19th August 2011 10:17For Love of Family (Author Response)
Harry and Ginny will talk... just not as soon as they'd like. It's that little problem of too many people in too small a place that doesn't afford them the privacy they need to get messy if they need to be.

I'm glad you enjoyed the boys' efforts to cheer Harry up. That was a fun part to write.

Thanks for commenting. Until next Thursday...
Thursday 18th August 2011 10:46
For Love of Family
I hope that Harry and Ginny talk soon! You can tell that this is really tearing them apart, yet they dont seem to realize that just talking to eachother would help tremendously. I love the idea with turning the wheelchair into a broom! I wonder if that's what Ginny will come home too and realize that Harry is really ok...
Thursday 18th August 2011 17:29For Love of Family (Author Response)
I think they do realize that talking more will help. However, because of the holidays and the number of people at The Burrow, it's nearly impossible to find a quiet, private place to talk and be messy about it if they need to be. In the meantime, family cheers up family and that's what the younger members love doing for Harry. You'll find out what Ginny will come home to in future chapters. Until next Thursday...
Grandma Kate
Thursday 18th August 2011 08:24
For Love of Family
What a perfect topic sentence for the first segment of this chapter-
With Ginny missing and George gone to find her, all the festivity seemed to have leached out of the occupants of The Burrow.

All the Weasleys are inventive, not just Fred and George. A flying wheelchair is such a great idea, so long as it stays balanced.
Thursday 18th August 2011 09:47For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked that opening line. It just felt right when I wrote it, so I didn't change it like I tend to with others.

I think in a family as large as the Weasley family, the original inventors would have left a legacy of pranking and out-of-the-box thinking. You, along with so many of my other readers, like the flying wheelchair... and I think Harry does, too.

Thanks for reviewing. Until next Thursday...