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Reviews For Mischievously Magical Brewery by mutt n feathers

Wednesday 14th September 2011 11:23
Mischievously Magical Brewery
This is really good. I'm glad we finally got some information about Seph. It helps a lot to know she actually helped Harry when he was little to have at least a pair of good shoes to wear at school and have money for trips and things. I love the "logo" St. Dolf! Perfect. Thanks for a fun read that is very different from anything else I've read. I look forward to more of this story. p
Wednesday 14th September 2011 14:41Mischievously Magical Brewery (Author Response)
Thanks so much for your kind review. Seph did what she could, but she really wanted to have Harry live with her, and she was denied that wish. I'm glad you like the logo. My daughter is drawing me a cartoon that I'll show off, if and when it's ever done. She's working around her homework. Thanks so much for enjoying the story.