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Reviews For For Love of Family by Arnel

Saturday 30th August 2014 01:48
For Love of Family
This is quite a good story. Thanks for posting this. I just wish you could've ended it with a Scorpius-Lily pairing, though...
Saturday 30th August 2014 15:15For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked the story. Unfortunately, as I was writing the story, it made more sense to me to have Rose be Scorpius' love-interest because Lily was able to understand Brian and his situation better than Rose would have. It also seemed fitting that the pairing needed to be a Weasley/Malfoy because in the epilogue of DH, Ron tells Rose to beat Scorpius at everything at Hogwarts...the pairing would link those two families and force Ron to be civil with Draco even though they have a negative past history. Thanks for reading.
Sunday 9th December 2012 07:28
For Love of Family
Amazing..Sorry To Hear its over.beautiful ending.dont mean to critisize but you said harry-ginny were plaaning to see london olympaid 2012 while timeline of your story is 2020-2021
+ forever
Sunday 9th December 2012 21:41For Love of Family (Author Response)
This story isn't really over. In the past eight months, it's become the lead story for my "Family" series. I've decided to tell Harry and Ginny's romance story from the very beginning with a story called "Dare," which is set in 1998 (which was posted 12-9-12) and will continue writing various stories covering their life together even beyond the end of this story.

I'd like to refute what you think you read. The conversation was about what Kendra remembered from when she was a little girl, rather than anything Harry and Ginny were planning. Here's the quote:

“Muggle athletic competition. Yeah, I’ve heard of them because my parents sometimes talk about going to see some of the events at the London Olympiad in 2012,” Kendra said. “They were in the Wizarding galleries for many of the equestrian events—my mum loves horses. They left me at home with our house-elves, but I’ve seen some of their photos, so yes, I know what they are.”

I hope this helps. Thank you for reading my story and I hope you'll read the new one, as well as "A Difficult Decision," which also pre-dates For Love of Family.
Sunday 9th December 2012 07:27
For Love of Family
Amazing..Sorry To Hear its over.beautiful ending.dont mean to critisize but you said harry-ginny were plaaning to see london olympaid 2012 while timeline of your story is 2020-2021
Sunday 9th December 2012 21:42For Love of Family (Author Response)
I hope you'll read some of my tother stories, too. I'm glad you liked this one.
Thursday 12th July 2012 01:32
For Love of Family
I found this story last week and have been infatuated with it ever since. You captured the personalities of JKR's characters perfectly and the writing was supreme. I enjoyed this story and thank you for taking the time to write it! I hope to see more of your stories in the future! + = forever
Thursday 12th July 2012 19:42For Love of Family (Author Response)
Thank you for reading my story. I'm very glad you enjoyed it because I enjoyed writing it.

I have a total of eighteen stories published here at PS; some are multi-chaptered, many are one-shots. I hope you get the chance to read a few more, as well as the stories of the many other great authors archived here on the site.
Sunday 13th May 2012 07:33
For Love of Family
A really wonderful story! This was my first story on this webside and it was just awesome! you are a very talented writer!
Sunday 13th May 2012 23:09For Love of Family (Author Response)
Your comments made me smile.
Sunday 13th May 2012 07:32
For Love of Family
A really wonderful story! This was my first story on this webside and it was just awesome! you are a very talented writer!
Sunday 13th May 2012 23:02For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm so glad you liked my story. There are many talented writers who post here on PS and I hope my story is the first of many you read here at the site. If you'd like to PM me, I'd be happy to tell you which authors I like to read here.

Thanks for reading and letting me know you've enjoyed my story.
Friday 4th May 2012 20:54
For Love of Family
This was such an amazing read! I can't wait for more from this universe!
Saturday 5th May 2012 21:53For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story. I just finished the first one-shot for this universe, but can't put it up until after June 1st because it is a gift for someone at LiveJournal's Taking It In Turns. Thanks for reading and writing to tell me you want more from this universe.
Monday 9th April 2012 14:47
For Love of Family
This was a wonderful story. Full of everything I could ask for - mystery, romance, suspense, and Harry Potter! I look forward to reading more of your work.
Monday 9th April 2012 22:07For Love of Family (Author Response)
I'm so glad you enjoyed my story. If you're looking for more of work, I've archived all eighteen of my published stories here, including my very first one. Thank you for reading and writing to me. I hope you enjoy my other stories as much as you did this one.
Sunday 1st April 2012 02:08
For Love of Family
This is a great final chapter to a wonderful story. I have enjoyed every chapter you have written. The flow of this story was great. From tragedy to small moments of joy. To Frustration and resolution to problems. This has been a great love story from the beginning. To see Harry and Ginny struggle from what seemed hopeless to triumph was heartbreaking and joyful in the end. I love the other love stories in the making. Lily and Brian, James and Kendra, Scorpius and Rose. Those are wonderful parings and they have had their problems to deal with. Ron finally coming to know Draco as he is today instead of the hated rival of the past. That was really something. Hermione and Ron having the Malfoys over to their home is almost a miracle in itself. Draco finding new friends after being ostracized since the war was great. The changes in attitude and acceptance of handicaps was heart warming. I think Brian could really bring home the Gold in 1024. I have enjoyed this story and would love to see more stories grow from this one. Thanks so much for writing. I look forward to more of this story. I loved the little personal note about the pearls in Chapter 39. Thanks for sharing that. Whatever you choose to write I will be very happy to read it. Until then, thanks again. p
Tuesday 3rd April 2012 08:27For Love of Family (Author Response)
First, I want you to know how much I appreciate all of your reviews. It's readers like you who spur me on to finish what I start because I anticipate your reaction just as much as you look forward to a new chapter.

There were many themes in this story and you seem to have found them all. It's been a challenge to keep them all going and balance the despair against the small triumphs, but from the responses to the story, I'm beginning to think I did an acceptable job of it. Like you, I've had a lot of fun with the various romances in this story and have several ideas for up-coming stories: at this time I can't decide whether my next fic should be a Lily or James romance fic, but I won't rule out Rose and Scorpius either.

The theme which seemed to sift throughout the story is acceptance: acceptance of a new reality, acceptance of limitations, acceptance of others, acceptance of things lost. Several of my readers can't accept that time and circumstance have helped Harry and even Ron accept Draco as a friend, they're stuck dwelling on all the pain Draco inflicted on the Weasley family during the war. As a writer, I respect their opinions, but can't help thinking about all the people in real life that my father helped. For forty years, he worked in a youth prison as a high school teacher and one of his duties was helping the inmates get their certificate of completion. Many of the young men never said thank you or even contacted my father after they were released, but the forty or fifty who wrote notes or called him at the prison to say thank you and tell him about what they've done with their lives made a real difference as to how he viewed his job. They also showed how someone can have an awful youth, have someone intervene and then find the strength to change their lives and not revert to their old ways. Whenever I was writing about Draco and Astoria, those young men were not far from my thoughts. That's why, in the end, Hermione takes the chance and invites the Malfoy family to her home.

I'm glad you enjoyed the epilogue. Thank you for reviewing one last time.
Grandma Kate
Saturday 31st March 2012 10:02
For Love of Family
A lovely package all tied up with a beautiful bow... That what your exciting story and optimistic epilogue seemed to me.

Thank you for writing this and inviting us along for the ride from despair to recovery and beyond. The bond among the adults and children is stronger from the trials they all went through. I was fond of all the good guys and gals and was repelled by the wicked characters. What more could a reader want?
Tuesday 3rd April 2012 05:54For Love of Family (Author Response)
Thank you for every single one of your reviews. Each week, I found myself anticipating your review as much as I think you anticipated the new chapter. I'm glad to know that you think my characterizations were believable.
Saturday 31st March 2012 08:23
For Love of Family
I have to admit I cheated and read this 1st at SIYE but read it again here! It was worth the 2nd read! Loved it especially seeing all as it should be - and Harry with his life back! What an amazing end to an amazing story! You are a brilliant, talented writer and I look forward to seeing more from you in the future! Thanks for this wonderful story and the glorious ride it took us on! Bravo! Encore!
Tuesday 3rd April 2012 05:47For Love of Family (Author Response)
I don't consider it cheating that you read it on SIYE first because I think that during the second read-through, one always finds the things they missed the first time around. There always seems to be one or two details that pop out the second time and I'm glad you think it was worth the second read.

Thank you for reading and reviewing every single one of the chapters. I always looked forward to your reactions, especially those regarding the Matron and her punishment. I have several ideas bouncing around in my head for sequel one-shots and/or short chaptered, singer-subject stories in this univers. I promise I won't disappoint.