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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Tuesday 10th June 2014 12:41
Vis Insita
I did like the girl talk, not sure if I'd ever have done that though! About the lack of connection with voldemort, to be honest, I was just so caught up in the story, I never even gave it a thought! I'm glad Remus was in this chapter, albeit only a short time.
Thank you, Sue x
Wednesday 18th June 2014 03:02Vis Insita (Author Response)
About the lack of connection with voldemort, to be honest, I was just so caught up in the story, I never even gave it a thought!

I think that was the case with most readers. This chapter was the answer to a question no one asked.
Wednesday 4th June 2014 09:26
Vis Insita
Oh, wait. Never mind. You had the Hermione/Sophie conversation in TTM. Granted Scott's name came up a bunch but only in relation to Kharadjai politics/government. That was fairly gender neutral, right?
Thursday 5th June 2014 21:26Vis Insita (Author Response)
It depends. The Bechdel test is very vague in that it only requires two women to talk about something other than a man. The length of that 'talk' is indeterminate. The last time I checked a Bechdel test website, movies were given a pass based on sentences alone. Iron Man 3 had a pass based on mere sentences. It also doesn't specify whether the 'talk' can be included within a longer conversation or must be standalone.

So, yes, depending on what standard we hold literature to, I passed at the point you mentioned. Lila and Molly also discussed Ginny, among other things, a few chapters ago. Lila and Ginny also had a talk about Ginny's inclusion with the group, when Harry was unconscious. A lot of it was about him, but also about her.

So it's hard to say where I stand. Depends on your point of view, probably. I wouldn't dare to judge for myself how feminist or sexist my story may be.
Monday 26th May 2014 14:50
Vis Insita
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, well not actually, but you still fail the Bechdel test. Hermoine and Ginny talked about their boyfriends. If you REALLY REALLY want to pass the test, have Hermione and Sophie talk about magical and physical properties in this universe compared to others. And don't bring the topic of Scott into it. Except Sophie would probably defer all such questions to Scott, it is his OP after all.
Tuesday 3rd June 2014 09:26Vis Insita (Author Response)
I never said I thought I passed. Hence me declaring that I refused to be consistent:

A few chapters ago, I was worrying about the Bechdel Test. Then for this chapter, I drove this bitch straight into Girl Talkā„¢. I refuse to be consistent. You can't make me.

The Girl Talk was the complete opposite of the Bechdel, rife with cliche.

And, no, I'm not interesting in passing the test artificially by shoehorning in a pointless conversation. My stories are packed with pointless conversations, of course, but I prefer they happen naturally.