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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Tuesday 10th February 2015 06:17
Vis Insita
One of the most powerful and descriptive bits of writing on the Harry Potter scene. The beginning on the beech reminded me of my dad where he told stories of the things he had seen when the Germans were in retreat and got caught in the Falaise Gap. Dead bodies, dead horses, bloated dead cows, burnt out tanks, pick up a helmet with the brains still in it. Yet it is the sort of thing you can get used to. "all Life death does end and each day dies with sleep."
Sunday 22nd February 2015 11:38Vis Insita (Author Response)
I'm glad you thought it was 'powerful and descriptive'. I don't know if I can intentionally aim for something to have power, that seems like a lofty and highly subjective goal, but it was intended to be descriptive.