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Reviews For These Cuts I Have by Melindaleo

Monday 23rd November 2015 15:00
These Cuts I Have
Nothin' beats a good nappy story, hee hee.
Thursday 30th July 2015 03:42
These Cuts I Have
And in this chapter, Hermione made me laugh, with the Charlie thing, and i loved her. The scene with Harry and Kingsley was so well-done. I could feel Harry's awkwardness, probably wanting to squirm with discomfort at the personal conversation. But most of all, Harry and Teddy, oh that was wonderful. Yes, JKR did a mean thing, smashing Harry' image of his father and not keeping sirius and Remus around long enough to help him find his father again.
Thursday 30th July 2015 08:55These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
I pictured Harry squirming, too, so I'm glad you thought so. I felt so horrible for Harry when his image of James was shattered. It was all he had. I like to think that getting to walk with James through the forest at the end helped some.
Tuesday 28th July 2015 16:45
These Cuts I Have
*Bliss* This is as wonderful as always! I love Kingsley and the way he looks out for Harry - who obviously need a touch of tough love when it comes to handling the psychological aftermath of the war. No hiding and pretending, that won't do! Even though that's what he instinctually seeks, but that's no wonder - growing up with the Dursleys he wasn't really trained to seek help, poor kid. Far from it.

Charlie teasing Hermione, and her reply? Brilliant! And it felt so true, I can really see this happening. Finding a new normal after something like the Vol de War, is not only necessary, it is unavoidable. We humans do want to make sense and find a way to accept the world around us, and the extended Weasley family are slowly getting to know the new ground under their feet, so to speak.

I think I qould quote every paragraph and tell you how brilliant I think it is, how true to character (as I see them, at least), and how genuinely compassionate toward these fictional characters that we love so much. In short: Love the story, and am very grateful you "scratched that itch" and started to explore what the aftermath could be like. Thank you!
Wednesday 29th July 2015 07:17These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Oh, thanks! Vol de War! I love that. Very good! I agree, they all have to reestablish what normal is...and they'll probably make a few mistakes along the way. I'm glad you're connecting with the story. It's kind of overwhelming now that I've started, so shout out if I forget something!
Thursday 23rd July 2015 01:55
These Cuts I Have
Thanks for the update! I greatly enjoy your writing. Thanks
Saturday 25th July 2015 00:04These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks to you for taking the time to review. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Tuesday 21st July 2015 18:19
These Cuts I Have
Another excellent chapter! I'm glad that you have stuck with this story.

Tuesday 21st July 2015 23:13These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thank you. I'm attempting to update each week.
Tuesday 21st July 2015 13:18
These Cuts I Have
So good - I look forward to these updates each week!
Tuesday 21st July 2015 23:12These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I'll try to keep the pace. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Tuesday 21st July 2015 11:10
These Cuts I Have
Of all the chapters so far, this one went straight to my fluffy spot and I needed a couple of tissues to get through it. I was proud of Harry for being honest with Minister Shacklebolt about how he was feeling and his need for uninterrupted sleep. Hopefully, Harry's visit to the medi-witch will take care of that.

The fact that Ron was able to take charge of Hermione's packing and calm her down made me smile. So many authors refuse to write Ron as a maturing, changing young man and it was quite refreshing to see how caring and helpful he was when Hermione needed someone to lean on and to graciously accept the advance that George offered him for their trip. While George still seems to be having trouble, the fact that he could joke about using his brother as a slave without feeling guilty shows that he, too, is beginning to heal.

Finally, I loved Harry's first encounter with Teddy. You had me giggling over the fact that Andromeda was taking full advantage of Harry's naiveté about interacting with a baby and I found it quite endearing and worthy of several tissues when Teddy wrapped himself firmly around Harry's heart. In fact, I read that entire scene twice just because it was so well written and touching.
Tuesday 21st July 2015 23:17These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Woo Hoo! Tissue worthy, yes! Thanks, Arnel I really enjoyed playing with Andromeda. She's been through hell, but she's still a Black, so I can't help but think she'd have a bit of and edge. She's Sirius' cousin and Tonks' mum - there are decent Blacks, too.

Thanks for pointing out Ron. You know I'm a big fan. I remember being struck during the battle in Deathly Hallows by how much Ron had matured. I think his experiences during the hunt made him appreciate the important things in his life. It doesn't mean he'll never mess up - he's human - but he's growing up the same as Harry and Hermione. That's how I see it, anyway.