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Reviews For These Cuts I Have by Melindaleo

Thursday 22nd October 2015 03:28
These Cuts I Have
Another excellent chapter! I have to admit, Ron had me laughing something fierce with his taking the mickey out of Harry. Harry's definitely a Weasley, now, isn't he? I also loved the interplay between Harry and Ginny. Nicely done. Plenty of angst, yet plenty of tenderness and hope. It's a nice balance. I like the addition of McClaggan into the auror training class. Let's hope he develops an acute case of humility! Should be interesting to watch. I also like how Pierce is attacking his recruits without warning - reminds me of my Drill Sergeants in basic training - they were always looking for an excuse to throw a CS grenade (tear gas) in our direction! Great job!
Friday 23rd October 2015 01:26These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I had a few reviewers who thought Ron was annoying, but I thought he was funny, and very right for a best mate/brotherly relationship. I have three sons - they tease each other unmercifully.
Wednesday 21st October 2015 09:10
These Cuts I Have
Friday 23rd October 2015 01:25These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Wednesday 21st October 2015 08:22
These Cuts I Have
Loved these updates! I'm really, really enjoying watching Ron mature so much. Often, in fanfictions, he is described as such a side kick, but I really feel i'm seeing him develop into himself in this. I think his romantic relationship with Hermione has also contributed towards this. Everything else is great too - the plot is moving nicely and i'm loving the "just enough flirtation to keep it juicy, without being shoved down my throat" between Ginny and Harry / ron and Hermione. Over all, I cannot wait for more!!
Friday 23rd October 2015 01:24These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I though Ron matured a lot by the end of DH, and it doesn't make sense that it wouldn't continue. To me, anyway!
Tuesday 20th October 2015 16:46
These Cuts I Have
Oh, loved this! Harry being so embarrassed he has no idea what to do with himself, and Arthur gently soothing those nreves with "don't think you're the only one." I do love the Weasley patriarch. Cormac McLaggen amazingly still gets my hackles up - I guess I don't like people who are too full of themselves, lol. Self confidence is another thing completely, self confident people are usually humble as well, but Cormac has none of that.

The finishing few lines were briliant, and this nailed it: “So he kept you a half hour longer than anyone else to explain how you weren’t going to be treated differently than anyone else?” That's just it.
Friday 23rd October 2015 01:21These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! Arthur is one of my favorites, too!
Tuesday 20th October 2015 13:17
These Cuts I Have
I loved this chapter. Maybe it's transitional, but it covered a lot of things. Harry's embarrassment was adorable, as was Ron's teasing. Because that's what a best friend would do. I enjoyed seeing Ginny with her friends. and Harry's beginning of training. Thanks for a great update.
Friday 23rd October 2015 01:21These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I had loads of fun with Ron in this one.