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Reviews For Beholders by Author by Night

Wednesday 18th November 2015 05:48
I've always liked Bill Weasley and his many interpretations in canon and in fan fiction and your Bill is up there with the best of them. Responsible, caring and willing to what's right over what is easy, your Bill seems to know when to lead and when to follow orders. He's the sort of man I hope my own son will grow up to be in a few short years.

What I like most about this chapter is the end when Bill realizes that what he's given to other people is being returned in spades, not just for himself but for Remus and Tonks, too.
Wednesday 18th November 2015 23:56Beholders (Author Response)
Thank you!

I'm glad Bill came across that way. I've had fun writing him.

Wednesday 18th November 2015 03:17
Too funny about Tonks and Remus! Very well-written. I enjoy how you've developed the story around the canon.
Wednesday 18th November 2015 23:55Beholders (Author Response)
Thank you!