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Reviews For These Cuts I Have by Melindaleo

Wednesday 16th December 2015 08:53
These Cuts I Have
Once again a great chapter. I enjoyed it lot. Especially since you gave Harry some needed hope on the poison front. I was starting to get agitated that he is in this health limbo with nothing on the horizon to help him. Hopefully the cure follows swiftly ;-)

Also I have to congratulate you on how you portray Ginny. I think you write her really, really well. JKR did such a fantastic job with Ginny's character I always wished she had given her a bigger role (especially in the 7th book). So thank you for this story with a very, very believable Ginny.
Thursday 17th December 2015 01:22These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! Ginny is an awesome character, and I think a great match for Harry. She can be soft without being a pushover, and tough without nagging. When Harry described her as "his best source of comfort" - well, that had me for sure!
Wednesday 16th December 2015 06:29
These Cuts I Have
Keep up with the good work... more like excellent work!
Thank you very much!
Thursday 17th December 2015 01:20These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Author by Night
Tuesday 15th December 2015 23:01
These Cuts I Have
I love seeing how all of this is coming together.

I'll admit I had always assumed Hermione would be the de facto Head Girl too, but it most likely was a difficult choice, and I think the Weasleys were right that someone else deserved a chance. There is definitely no winning.
Thursday 17th December 2015 01:20These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I think Hermione should have been Head Girl for her own year, but how can she be a class leader of a class she's never been part of, particularly one that bonded so closely after their horrific year? Hermione definitely got the short end, but...there are consequences to war. That's how I see it, anyway.