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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Saturday 3rd March 2018 02:34
Some Cuts Leave Scars
You write stubborn Ministry dude quite well. I had to chuckle over the argument between Owen and the DRCMC worker. It was very easy to picture the exchange in my head and I enjoyed seeing Owen send the bloke packing.

The scene with Teddy went straight to my fluffy spot. When Harry and Ginny eventually become parents, he's going to so good at being a father, mostly because he knows how precious the time with his children really is. Besides, I have a feeling he is going to use Vernon as a role model he does NOT want to emulate.

Ginny's reflections on what's going on with Dean are probably quite accurate. He probably feels he's the odd man out and by being a bit affectionate with Ginny he just might be trying to recreate the time he thinks he had with her two years ago. And speaking of people we love to hate, you write spiteful Brynn very well: I can't stand how she treats Luna and then Ginny after Luna leaves. Brynn deserved the Stinging Hex Ginny sent her way, despite what Hermione says!

All in all, well done.