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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Felix Felicis
Tuesday 27th March 2018 21:15
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I actually laughed out loud at the end of this chapter and my wife asked me what was so funny! Another wonderful chapter, so many ups and downs and so much family time. Thanks for giving us this.
Friday 23rd March 2018 02:48
Some Cuts Leave Scars
This is one of my favorite chapters in the story, mostly because the Weasley family rallies around each of the members and helps each other through the difficulties of the first Christmas without loved ones. I love the scene between Ginny, Charlie and George as they try to hide George's inebriation from Mrs. Weasley. And then, when Harry's crisis surfaces, they all drop what they're doing to make sure he'll be all right. No matter what Arthur thinks, Rita did deserve Ginny's Bat Bogey Hex! You had me smirking again with Harry high on pain potions. It's good that this story is back in pattern with Harry sustaining severe injuries for one reason or another!

You do Stubborn!Harry exceptionally well. How nobody heard him coming down the stairs on Christmas morning is beyond me, especially with all the purposely noisy stairs Molly and Arthur installed on their staircase! Harry did the right thing letting Molly and Andromeda mother him. I think it helped both women with the sadness they were feeling that morning. Finally, the other thing you do exceptionally well is embarrassing Harry. You ended the chapter with a smirk because I can easily picture George's delight in having someone new to torment! The innuendos had me laughing so hard my sides hurt. Well done!
Friday 23rd March 2018 10:06Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel! I love the Weasleys as much as you do! I think this first Christmas had to be hard, but there's always a few lighter moments that can be worked it, particularly with a family as loving as the Weasleys.
Professor Webster
Thursday 22nd March 2018 20:40
Some Cuts Leave Scars
I loved the Jhonny scene. I can just see a joker like George trying such a joke. The mere thought of what Mr Weasley would think if he really understood is very funny. Keep on going!
Friday 23rd March 2018 10:04Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks! I debated if Mr. Weasley would know or not, but I wanted a lighter end to this heavy chapter. It was fun imagining it happening.