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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise by RdeHwyll

Wednesday 1st September 2010 17:01
Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise
Friday 9th April 2010 04:00
Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise
Caught together in bed and missing Prefects meeting. Tut - tut.
Thursday 3rd December 2009 20:01
Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise
Wednesday 2nd April 2008 14:50
Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise
huh.... i wonder why there is a 7 year old at hogwarts... there is more to her then meets the eye im thinking... and that she is gonna be involved in the plot somehow...
that was some crazy scheduling! lol
Saturday 2nd July 2005 18:40
Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise
Wow!  How long did it take you to create those schedules and write that scene?  I was getting dizzy reading it!  Another great chapter!
Saturday 30th July 2005 18:47Harry Potter and the Philtre of Promise (Author Response)
That chapter took the better part of five weeks to complete, given all the preparation for the schedules and such.  Glad you enjoyed it!