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Reviews For Alpha and Omega by Imogen

Tuesday 29th January 2008 13:34
Alpha and Omega
so the univited guest was dumbledore... or was it ginny lol
that whole bedroom scene was really funny :p
i wonder what dumbledore wants to tell them...
Sunday 3rd December 2006 20:59
Alpha and Omega
That was really good. And I wonder what Dunbledore wants to tell them. It has to be serious with him coming to the Burrow and all.
Saturday 1st April 2006 08:00
Alpha and Omega
Ooh, Happy Birthday Harry! I would so love a present from Fred and fun! Absotively great chapter, but I'm excited to know what Dumbledore has to say...and with the mirror's added comments I REALLY REALLY want to know what Hermione and Ron are up to!