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Reviews For Alpha and Omega by Imogen

Tuesday 29th January 2008 13:50
Alpha and Omega
YIKES!!! that would be really wierd.... i can see dumbledore suggesting it though... but still to have harry and ginny have a kid while still in school... and voldemort will know about it too....
Sunday 3rd December 2006 21:08
Alpha and Omega
Friday 23rd June 2006 13:59
Alpha and Omega
hmm. . . very interesting. At first I thought Ginny was laughing under her hair. After the scene at the river, I would think Ginny would not be opposed to a bit more passion in their relationship . . . I wonder why she seems so upset . . . maybe not ready for a baby (as opposed to "trying for one") or simply that others are dictating her life. After all, she has always reacted quite strongly to being treated as a "baby."
Saturday 1st April 2006 08:09
Alpha and Omega
...Whoa. Oh wow. You...That...I...

You're a genius.