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Reviews For Carpe Diem by Imogen

Sunday 27th January 2008 11:09
Carpe Diem
huh... i think that harry is starting to like like ginny
uh oh... that doesnt look so good for harry....
I wonder who that voice was?
Tuesday 5th December 2006 20:30
Carpe Diem
Oh no. This is not goos. very good chapter.
Tuesday 5th September 2006 15:50
Carpe Diem
Oops, I guess this was written before it was revealed that Ginny's birthday is August 11. So did Malfoy have anything to do with that attack on Harry ?
Monday 27th March 2006 15:11
Carpe Diem
Ron and Hermione...cute. Took Harry long enough, let alone Ron. Boys. So thick...'course Hermione's not exactly being smart here either. Teehee. Oh, and the rest of the chapter was great as well!