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Reviews For Carpe Diem by Imogen

Sunday 27th January 2008 11:24
Carpe Diem
huh interesting... so harry has to absolutly trust gin for the charm to work...
Tuesday 5th December 2006 20:35
Carpe Diem
Ouuu. I can't wait to see this charm.
Tuesday 5th September 2006 15:57
Carpe Diem
So romance is in the air: Ron + Hermione and Ginny + Harry , though they all might be a bit sloooow catching on . What charm has Ginny found?
Monday 27th March 2006 15:33
Carpe Diem
Huzzah! A spell that'll rely on trusting Ginny and Hermione stopping writing to Krum...everything is falling into place!