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Reviews For Nil Desperandum by Imogen

Thursday 7th December 2006 20:42
Nil Desperandum
Wow. She is going to get joke stuff isn't she. Can't wait to see what happens with that. A very good first day I think, even if she doesn't like her House, and Snape being the git he is.
Thursday 6th April 2006 19:49
Nil Desperandum
Aw, come on Hope. Slytherins are people too! I think this is going to be MUCH more interesting than if she'd been placed in Gryffindor. I can't wait to read the rest of this. And I really like Cora...maybe she'll help stuff Parkinson's kid in the closet?

Speaking of which, did Draco get Pansy in trouble or something? For her to have a daughter Hope's age? What a hypocrite, Draco! He was ragging on Harry in 'Alpha and Omega' about Ginny, and they were MARRIED!!!