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Reviews For Nil Desperandum by Imogen

Thursday 7th December 2006 21:01
Nil Desperandum
Nice. And I can't wait to see what else she is ging to do. Very good chapter. And this Snape is actually a little nicer. Is it because Hope is in hiis House, or is there more? Hmm. Can't wait to read more tomorrow. Once, again, it is time for me ot go to bed. grr.
Tuesday 27th June 2006 11:35
Nil Desperandum
So Hope is hoping to escape Slytherin with an expulsion for her misdeeds is it? This story is turning out better than I thought when she got sorted into that house. Keep up the good work Hope!!!
Friday 7th April 2006 06:14
Nil Desperandum
Wow! Snape is being so nice! She really needs to write to her parents...they could sort her out! Oh well, at the rate she's going, they're going to be getting owls soon enough