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Reviews For We Walked This Way Once by Imogen

Tuesday 29th January 2008 12:58
We Walked This Way Once
nice chapter
its sad reading about lily and james and knowing that they never did have the chance to do all the things that they wanted to do...
Friday 5th October 2007 14:20
We Walked This Way Once
nice story!
Monday 27th November 2006 14:30
We Walked This Way Once
How beautiful. If only all their dreams could have been realized.
Thursday 6th July 2006 20:44
We Walked This Way Once
soo sweet
Tuesday 27th June 2006 06:43
We Walked This Way Once
So bittersweet . . . knowing what the future really holds for them.
Saturday 5th November 2005 02:51
We Walked This Way Once

I think I have read this story on some other site also. I can't be too sure. You have wriiten a very sweet story which is made poignant because we already know that the  couple won't live long enough to experience all that they have envisaged.

You have captured the mood of young lovers very much in love with each other excellently.

Antonia East
Saturday 29th October 2005 05:38
We Walked This Way Once


So sweet and so sad.  Very poignantly and beautifully written.

Monday 8th August 2005 21:50
We Walked This Way Once
That was really good, but it made me sad to think of how in love they were and they had all these plans and stuff and they only got a year and a bit to spend with Harry and didn't get to do all the other stuff they wanted to and he really was  a Seeker, but they didn't get to find that out and . . . wow, I'm just babbling now, huh?  Okay, sorry. Great job, though, with the storry.