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Stories by Kari Lynn

Rating: Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: WIP
Reviews: 7
Words: 9,754
Ten years after leaving school, and the rest of her world, the daunting memories won't leave her at rest. When a coincidental turn of events and a flash of loneliness strike in unison, she jumps back into the place she once couldn't stand to be. As she struggles to return to the life she once loved, old wounds make it difficult to love once more. Gone, but never forgotten, old love still resides within. But how will she deal with the memories that drove her out so long ago, and how much of her life can still be salvaged? Inspired by the song "1,000 Miles" although not a songfic.

Rating: Young Teens
Setting: Pre-HBP
Status: WIP
Reviews: 5
Words: 29,750
The world is getting darker (and Ginny doesn't know the half of it), it's down to survival of the fittest. In spite of everything, she's determined to change things, for the sake of the future. Read as Ginny goes on a quest for change, for the upset of all things evil. As she sets out to change the world, she finds a change within herself, within her own heart, she realizes what life is worth living, and how lucky she really is.