Author: Lady Chi Discovering Lily (Teens) WIP Word count:42,675 Summary: After a series of dreams, a pregnant Ginny is inspired to learn more about Lily Potter. Skinwalker (Teens) WIP Word count:3,804 Summary: What does the Harry Potter fandom need more of? Zombies, pirates and things that go bump in the night, of course! Harry and Ginny use much-needed holiday time to help out an old friend protect the children at his school from a threat much more insidious than it first seems. Written for the Taking it in Turns LJ community's "Keeping Secrets" gift exchange. A Season for Closure (Mature) Completed Word count:8,566 Summary: Harry's just starting his career as an Auror when he gets a call
he's been waiting for. But achieving closure for the whole Weasley family
won't be as easy as he thought. Things Learnt In Darkness (Teens) Completed Word count:2,092 Summary: Remus Lupin spends his first New Year's alone after the death of Lily and James. With All My Love (Teens) Completed Word count:60,540 Summary: Seventh year starts off with a bang for Lily, James and the Marauders. Voldemort is rising to power, Remus is in danger, and Lily and James are falling in love... Can they face Voldemort and live? Can they face each other
and live? Read and find out! Double Trouble (Teens) Completed Word count:54,062 Summary: The "Tested In Fire" universe continues in this fic as Harry and Ginny struggle with their new twin boys, Ron and Hermione strive to keep their relationship intact despite the stress of Ron's job, and something mysterious happens to Sirius. "Gred And Forge's Complete Guide To Getting Yourself Into More Trouble Than Is Absolutely Necessary, Part The First" (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,984 Summary: None... I think the title pretty much says it all, don't you? A Most Eventful Night (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,189 Summary: Remus and Anna have a most eventful night. This is from the "Tested in Fire" universe. And So It Goes (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,916 Summary: A brief portrait of Remus and Anna's relationship. A song fic, "And So It Goes", by Billy Joel. From the "Tested In Fire" Universe Correspondence (Young Teens) Completed Word count:7,874 Summary: The letters between Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley during Ginny's seventh year. They grow as a couple, and as individuals as they face their fears together. Anna and Remus have a special announcement, and Ron and Hermione make a Very Important Decision. This is a part of the "Tested In Fire" universe. Dragons from Charlie (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,805 Summary: The third Weasley brothers series. Ginny tells us about her relationship with her brother, Charlie. Fire and Rain (Everyone) Completed Word count:896 Summary: Remus reflects. For My Baby (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,095 Summary: A Mother’s Day story about true love and the bond between mother and child. Ginny's Surprise (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,350 Summary: Ginny has something she wants to tell Harry, but circumstances keep getting in the way! Sequel to "Just Us Girls" and part of the "Tested in Fire" world. Just Us Girls (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,213 Summary: Ginny and Hermione have an eventful day. Rain (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,894 Summary: Lily reflects on her life after the death of her mother. Spilled Ink: A 2006 Anniversary Challenge (Teens) Completed Word count:2,971 Summary: On a large anniversary, a lot is at stake for both Harry Potter and a young reporter named Ashling Aquafine. Taking Care of Harry (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,980 Summary: Returning to The Burrow for the summer, Harry finds comfort in the arms of someone... shall we say... unexpected? Tested In Fire (Teens) Completed Word count:79,658 Summary: A prophecy that Harry knows nothing about threatens to ruin his sixth year as he grows closer to Ginny. The Quiz (Teens) Completed Word count:2,788 Summary: Lily's venture into "Witch Weekly" for "curiosity's sake" leads her down a very sweet and steamy path to Memory Lane.
Editor's warning: This story contains adult situations and may not be appropriate for all audiences. Thoughts of Ron (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,398 Summary: Ginny takes some time to reflect on Ron's new engagement, and their relationship. Untitled (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,595 Summary: Arthur gets to go home early to work and spends the evening with Ginny. Major fluff alert! Waltzing with Bill (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,166 Summary: Ginny's reflections on her oldest brother. Where I Want to Be (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,041 Summary: Ron and Hermione's first kiss. Based on the "Tested in Fire" universe.
Author: Lady G
Author: Lady Padfoot Black Shadows (Young Teens) Completed Word count:910 Summary: Sirius's thoughts the night he "finally gets away from this place".
Many thanks to my beta, Gerry. The Black Rose (Everyone) Completed Word count:465 Summary: A glimpse into the mind of a seventh year Bellatrix Black. The "other side of the story" to Black Shadows Twelve Years Later (Everyone) Completed Word count:740 Summary: After hearing about Sirius' escape from Azkaban, Remus reflects on his friendship with him and wonders how he ever could have trusted him
Author: Lady Whizbee The Skullduggery of Muckle Delight (Teens) WIP Word count:40,817 Summary: The war with Voldemort is over, but the remaining Death Eaters do not intend to go down peacefully and, to make matters worse, there is a new Dark power rising. Will Harry find it within himself to fight again? A Reason (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,198 Summary: A series of six missing moments from Ginny's point-of-view right before Harry leaves The Burrow to find Horcruxes. A Turnip for Luck (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,512 Summary: It wasn't as if he wasn't interested in meeting new women.
He was. It was just that there was so much pressure attached to that first conversation. He had to be interesting, and witty, and clever, and he had to have more than one interesting, one witty and one clever thing to say. And, in total, that was *very* hard work. After all, what could he say that was all that profound? He was just Neville Longbottom.
For Now (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,207 Summary:
“So,” she says, settling back into her chair, cradling her tea, “what will you do now with the whole world set before you?”
The whole world…I think to myself…the whole wide world.
But I’ve already chosen, haven’t I? I’ve been playing professional Quidditch now for a full year and then there’s Harry…sweet, adorable…Harry—and my friends, of course, and family…and George’s shop…and sometimes accompanying Luna on her wild hunts.
Hmmm...but…the whole wide world…
Making Lemonade (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,285 Summary: Ginny makes lemonade on a hot summer day. A short story about lemons, laughter and, most importantly, love. Possession (Teens) Completed Word count:3,161 Summary: An ache resonates, deep under her ribs—in the pit of her stomach. And despite the fact that she will be Quidditch Captain this year, and despite the fact that Hermione is coming back to school with her — this gnawing still lingers.
She can ignore it. She can find all sorts of ways to distract the inevitable and pretend it isn’t there. But time is fleeting, and it won’t be long before she’s boarding a train and leaving the one person that she doesn’t want to leave. Ever again. Simple Moments (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,121 Summary: Life’s biggest revelations can happen when you least expect them. The Dinner — Delays, Mishaps, and Disgruntled Toads (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,754 Summary: Neville checked on the lamb for what had to be the millionth time. It was going to burn — destiny had foretold it — it was bound to happen since he had offered to cook dinner for Susan... well, and for Harry and Ginny... but now really just for Susan. What had he been thinking? He nervously threw the pair of oven mitts onto the dish drainer and ran a hand through his hair. Yes, definitely, pure insanity... he was slowly going insane. The Knowing (Teens) Completed Word count:1,993 Summary: The air blankets Ginny even more warmly here, musty and still with sleep. If she listens hard, she can hear the sounds of sleep-even breathing just on the other side of the walls. It must be two in the morning, at least. Involuntarily, her eyes gaze at the stairwell leading up to Ron’s room and she wonders... dares... should she? They haven’t spoken — there’s been no time in the last three days. Harry has barely been around with all of the meetings and funerals, and when he is, there have been no words, only glances.
Meaningful glances... but still... does she dare? This Wish (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,540 Summary: Somehow, deep inside, Ginny knew that they would come. That he would come. And that it would be tonight. She hoped in time for dinner but then, any time would do. She wasn't really picky.
This story was written prior to the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Turning Leaves (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,062 Summary: Neville twists his butterbeer in his hands, pretending to study the bottle but ignoring it completely. So this is what it feels like… this tender shoot of a feeling… change… it’s different, but welcome. And while this comes unexpectedly, it feels right… this… this… her… and maybe it’s time. It certainly could be time. Definitely time. After all, seasons change.
Author: Ladybug Half-Blood Prince Drabbles (Young Teens) WIP Word count:1,078 Summary: A collection of missing moments from Half-Blood Prince. A Whole Minute (Young Teens) Completed Word count:9,197 Summary: A minute can be a defining moment, a turning point, or just another episode in what makes you the person you are. A minute, for Seamus Finnigan, can last an inordinately long time or pass in the blink of an eye. But every minute makes him who he is. The Incontrovertible Truth (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,583 Summary: What are the questions that have been haunting Dumbledore throughout his life? More importantly, what are the answers? A sequel to "In the Twinkling of an Eye".
[21 July 2009] Dear Readers, I am completely touched and delighted that today this little story reached 3000 hits, which for one of mine is an extraordinary achievement. Thank you to all those who've read and re-read - hope you've enjoyed it and I'm honoured that you come back to visit it. Ladybug. In the Twinkling of an Eye (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,792 Summary: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the wizard whose eyes twinkle, is about to embark on the next great adventure. (A missing moment from HBP) Scrolls of Parchment (Everyone) Completed Word count:10,111 Summary: A series of missing moments from HBP. Dumbledore arranges Harry’s private lessons during sixth year via a scroll of parchment delivered by other students. Why was it Jack Sloper who delivered Dumbledore’s first message to Harry? How did Dumbledore choose the other messengers - Ginny, Hermione, Luna and Jimmy Peakes? Albus Dumbledore is a man of many messages, and they’re not all for Harry Potter. Homework (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,288 Summary: A couple of first-year Gryffindors undertake some research to solve a difficult ... er ... 'homework' problem.
Thrice (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,998 Summary: Three Order members discuss some new intelligence about Voldemort.
[Written for the PS Short'n'Sweet 2005 Challenge] Swamp Day (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,030 Summary: Some days deserve to be remembered. [Written for the PS Anniversary Challenge 2006] In the Name of the Father (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,960 Summary: Which is the greatest honour? To bestow a name upon another, to be named for another, or for another to be named for you? [Written for the PS Anniversary Challenge 2006] Career Advice (Young Teens) Completed Word count:6,566 Summary: Harry and Ginny spend an afternoon by the lake, eating sweets, giving each other some career advice and doing - er - other stuff. Oh, and living someone else’s life. (A missing moment from HBP.) 12th March (Young Teens) Completed Word count:914 Summary: Who said you couldn't learn anything in History of Magic?
Author: LadyTonks Keeper of the Hearth (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,516 Summary: Her red hair, once brilliant, long and shining, was now cut short for efficiency's sake. Its texture, once soft, now had the feel of worn broom straw. Ginny Weasley didn't care much about the state of her hair, her dress or anything else about her appearance anymore. She was too tired. Teatime in the Garden (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,292 Summary: It was almost teatime. Teatime was their favorite time. Ginny hoped that Hermione and Ron wouldn’t stay long. She knew that they meant well, but they just didn’t understand about Harry. Not many people did.
Author: LadyTory
Author: lantis222 Something Worth Fighting For (Young Teens) WIP Word count:39,956 Summary: Voldemort is gone, and life should be good. But there is always something worth fighting for. Come Home (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,316 Summary: Severus Snape has long been the bane of Harry Potter's existence. In this sweet one-shot, lantis222 gives us a brief glimpse into his mind during his last moments before dying.
Author: Laura Laurent In the House of the Quick and Hungry (Teens) WIP Word count:8,700 Summary: Ginny: redhead, headstrong, and Harry's future wife. But she's not just those things--she's also a sibling to many, a daughter to two. The story of Harry and Ginny, told in a roundabout way, from our favorite female redhead's eyes.
Author: Leanne Vignettes (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,937 Summary: Missing moments in and after HBP
Author: legobean Harry Potter and the Toll of Destiny (Teens) WIP Word count:169,577 Summary: Seven years ago the world awoke to news of an amazing and unthinkable event; good had triumphed over evil once again. A young man had defeated the most powerful dark wizard the world had ever known and saved all wizards from totalitarian rule by a fanatical hate monger. Celebration and good fortune followed. The only problem it seemed was that the champion never returned to join them. Oh he didn’t die, but he was left alone to cope with what he became in the process of seeking victory.
It’s time to pick up the pieces, and return to the wizarding world that everyone assumes has changed for the better. But has it really changed that much?
Eternity (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,621 Summary: Eternity is a very long time to spend dwelling on the mistakes you made in your life. What happens when your fight comes to an end and all that's left is reflection? Will the ghosts of your past forgive you? Or will the misdeeds of your life define you? How to Try and Lose a Guy Before Valentine's Day (Teens) Completed Word count:5,001 Summary: It's the middle of Ginny's fifth year and she's figured something out. Dean Thomas isn't the boy for her. Can she find a way to get what she really wants? It's only ten days until Valentine's Day, and now is the time for action. Stolen Moment (Young Teens) Completed Word count:4,000 Summary: It's been a difficult year for Ginny. She hasn't seen her brother, her best friend, or the man she loves since the previous summer. But the war has ended, and now Harry is coming to Hogwarts. It's the day she's been waiting for since Harry broke up with her last June. She saw him at the wedding, but he didn't talk to her. It was gut-wrenching, being so close to him, and pretending as if it didn't matter, as if she didn't care for him at all. Today her life begins again; it will all be perfect. Well, that's the plan, anyway.
Author: Lell Any Chance of Us (Everyone) Completed Word count:7,530 Summary: Alone is always a depressing way to travel, but Harry's been "on the road" for six years now. He wants nothing more than a nameless hotel and some space upon returning to England, but Ginny has other plans for him...
Author: lenzlaw1 As the Dust Falls (Teens) WIP Word count:7,223 Summary: Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny cope with life after the war and learn to live in a world that is free of imminent danger. R/Hr and H/G explore their new relationships and savor life and friends. Some 7th-Years from the year before return to have a proper final year. Once he returns to the castle, Harry finds himself, at McGonnagal's request, filling a pretty important role. As tensions arise between friends, Harry learns that his life will never be free of problems, even if it is free of Voldemort.
Author: Lily Evans The Tainted Beginnings of a Bitter Soul (Teens) Completed Word count:1,309 Summary: Halloween wasn't that special, really. They always got the worst candy, the worst decorations, the worst everything, or so Tom Riddle thought. But those didn't even compare to the feeling of loneliness one small prank brought upon him. And really, he wanted revenge...
Author: Lily of the Valley23 Joyeux Noel (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,424 Summary: Harry and Ginny prepare for their first Christmas together with the entire Weasley family, hilarity ensues.
Author: Lina The Doom of Dolores Umbridge (Teens) Completed Word count:6,873 Summary: Upon finding out that Dolores Umbridge hasn't received her "just desserts" for the treatment she gave students, McGonagall and Trelawney take things into their own hands.
Author: LisaQT3 Getting Used to You (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,242 Summary: We all know that sometime soon young Mr. Potter will begin to have feelings for a certain strong-willed redhead. But how do you approach someone who you know got over you a long time ago? Fortunately, Harry finds some help with this dilemma in an unlikely place. Just the Beginning (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,197 Summary: Penelope Clearwater learns a painful lesson of how mindless ambition can corrupt the ones we love.
The Vagaries of Destiny (Teens) Completed Word count:4,031 Summary: The war is over and Ginny struggles to understand where that leaves her.
Author: LogicalRaven Harry Potter and the Secret Horcrux (Teens) WIP Word count:38,963 Summary: Every story must have an end. Harry Potter must now face the greatest adventure of his life. Lives will be lost and love will be found. The only difference between a muggle and a wizard is his ability to believe. Based on what could occur in book seven.
Author: Lola Ravenhill Revelatio (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,256 Summary: In the summer of 1995 Doris Purkiss gave an interview to The Quibbler claiming that Sirius Black was really the long retired and reclusive singer of the Hobgoblins, Stubby Boardman. What if she were right? Sirius Black tells a story.
Author: Lorelei Lynn Battles with Bludgers (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,855 Summary: Twelve-year-old Molly Prewett tries out for the Gryffindor Quidditch. Her brother and Arthur Weasley offer unsolicited advice. The Importance of Being Earnest (Everyone) Completed Word count:4,035 Summary: During his fifth year at Hogwarts, Ernie Macmillan wrestles with his conscience while dealing with an embarrassing nickname, a questionable Muggle artifact, and Hufflepuffs behaving badly.
Author: lostinthesandsoftime
Author: loverlydaisy520 Afterthoughts (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,564 Summary: As the sun rises above the battered grounds of Hogwarts, Harry Potter surrounds himself with friends and conversation, seeking recovery and solace after the final battle. Missing moment from Deathly Hallows.
Author: lucky_black_cat The Silent Cradle (Teens) WIP Word count:6,785 Summary: A few hours after Voldemort's fall, memories flood Harry's brain. There is something he needs to tell Ginny... he only hopes it's not too late. I Should Have Known (Teens) Completed Word count:6,118 Summary: What is the difference between a good day and a bad day? Who decides what kind of day you're going to have? Your enemies are lurking everywhere, waiting for a chance to strike - in the shape of a barny owl, or even disguised inside your morning toast. Written for the 'Angsty Valentine' Challenge at SIYE.