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Reviews For Under the Beech Tree by Musings

Wednesday 19th March 2008 21:29
Under the Beech Tree
haha nice story
Thursday 8th November 2007 06:53
Under the Beech Tree
haha i loved this

Monday 11th June 2007 10:08
Under the Beech Tree
I liked the story, Harry and Ron just needed a push in the right direction, you made a wonderful story of it.
Friday 8th December 2006 09:47
Under the Beech Tree
Very nice.
I liked how Ron ran away from Hermione all day until almost the last minute and fell down the stairs -- that scene was great and Harry asking Ginny all in one word, very good.
But why did he ask her to go outside after he'd asked her? Was he afraid of hearing her response in front of everyone?
Monday 17th July 2006 11:21
Under the Beech Tree
That was short but sweet. And someone should have gone in the lake. It would only be fair. But it was still good.
Friday 7th July 2006 19:49
Under the Beech Tree
Only Harry has a hard time to ask someone on a other then Ronald
I like this story
Wednesday 17th May 2006 09:48
Under the Beech Tree
brilliant story! very original and funny as well!
Saturday 7th January 2006 14:01
Under the Beech Tree
I really enjoyed this fic, Michele! When Harry said he was nauseated in Ginny's presence, I started giggling so hard!  I'm glad Ginny said yes, though I wouldn't have minded 'seeing' Harry swim naked. Well, perhaps not in December, the poor thing would have frozen to death...
Tuesday 10th January 2006 23:24Under the Beech Tree (Author Response)
I really enjoyed this fic, Michele! When Harry said he was nauseated in Ginny's presence, I started giggling so hard!  I'm glad Ginny said yes, though I wouldn't have minded 'seeing' Harry swim naked. Well, perhaps not in December, the poor thing would have frozen to death...
*grin* Agi, you little devil! Thanks so much for your thoughts!  I think that Harry's pretty happy about this outcome, much more than the prospect of that very cold swim!
Hearts on Fire
Tuesday 20th December 2005 22:15
Under the Beech Tree
Tuesday 31st May 2005 14:56
Under the Beech Tree

That was so good!!!!!!!  I loved it, especially the part where they announce the dare. 

Great job, keep writing, and PLez write back


Tuesday 31st May 2005 20:36Under the Beech Tree (Author Response)
Thanks for your note -- I appreciate all of the positive feedback I get! 
Wednesday 6th April 2005 06:56
Under the Beech Tree
"What took you so long, Harry?"

Oh sweet!
Thursday 10th February 2005 18:51
Under the Beech Tree
I really enjoy these background snippets from Harry's life prior to the start of The New Professor. 
Saturday 1st January 2005 19:23
Under the Beech Tree
This is a really cute outtake!