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Reviews For Once Upon A December by Katieay

Thursday 22nd January 2009 14:02
Once Upon A December
Very nice.
Saturday 1st November 2008 19:32
Once Upon A December
lovely story - just rooting around for something "new" to read. This was quite enjoyable.
Monday 22nd September 2008 07:54
Once Upon A December
awesome story!
loved the ending, harry weasley lol
The Boss
Friday 16th November 2007 21:50
Once Upon A December
Amazing story - very well written

The Boss
Friday 9th March 2007 18:16
Once Upon A December

Will be sending you a bill for my dental work. That was sweet, but oh so sugary.


Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 12:29
Once Upon A December
You did write other stuff! YAY!!! I'm excited. Have I ever metioned that I love Ginny Weasely? She is so smart and sassy. I really don't like the way JK made her submissive in the last book....but perhaps JK has something up her sleeve about that. But I love your Ginny. She's awesome.

Oh, and your story's pretty cool too...

lol JK Good Job.

Tuesday 20th February 2007 19:12
Once Upon A December
Aww. That was pure fluff. With a little angst, but fluff nontheless. I love it. Very well written.
Friday 8th September 2006 17:22
Once Upon A December
Monday 19th February 2007 07:00Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Tuesday 16th May 2006 18:44
Once Upon A December
Monday 19th February 2007 06:58Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Thank you
Disassembly of Reason
Friday 9th December 2005 07:15
Once Upon A December

I presume that the story title is taken from [I]Anastasia[/I] (or, less directly, from caitlyn's [I]Lessons for Life[/I], title of chapter 7).

meme list: established!relationship(Ron/Hermione, newly engaged), destroyed!portrait(Mrs. Black by Remus, set on fire)

Harry's POV, brooding at Grimmauld Place less than two days after the final battle. Not surprisingly, Harry doesn't know what to feel or what to do. He hasn't let himself relax his guard enough to grieve properly in almost two years, as we learn later; he's just now beginning to let his emotions out of deep freeze.

"It had been three years, almost to the day, since he had had a proper conversation with Sirius Black, and every Christmas since then was like a knife stuck in his heart."

Not surprising that Harry's last, rather rushed conversation via Floo Powder with Sirius was unsatisfactory in retrospect, not counting as a 'proper' conversation. From this remark, we can work out that Harry is now 18 and has been out of Hogwarts for six months. Ginny should be in her seventh and final year of school, but free for the holidays.

Getting through three years of training (the normal length of time to become an Auror) in two weeks, even in an intensified form, sounds like far too much. Two or three *months* would still be impressive as anything. Unless Harry was taking a *lot* of additional training during his last two years of school, even a few months would be difficult to believe.


Ron has had his moment of truth, and proposed to Hermione in the immediate aftermath of the final battle. Nothing like a few near-death experiences to help one figure out what one really wants in life.


Mrs. Black's portrait in this storyline has met one of its common fates: destruction at Remus' hands, after he'd been drinking.


Good that Mrs. Weasley, as the closest thing Harry has to a mother, tried to help him through the shock of learning that his mentors were human, and made mistakes. Realistic, that Harry still hasn't completely given up his bitterness toward Dumbledore.


"One of the rare wizarding authors who were also very well known in the Muggle world. Tolkien."

I like this very much, but I am somewhat biased.


It seems a bit too quick that Harry would thaw out emotionally to the point of realizing that he's in love with Ginny as quickly as this. He hasn't had any experience of love to speak of in his life; I suspect it might take him some time to figure out his feelings even if he weren't just getting over the final battle and being able to drop his guard for the first time in years. (I've said it before: the hardest part of getting Harry into a relationship, even unrequited feelings, is the transition of getting him to feel those feelings in the first place.)

Moving on. Once one gets Harry to the point of realizing his feelings, the rest of his characterization here can be analyzed in that light.

Realistic, that there *is* a party going on; Harry's just ducking out. However, would Ginny be the only one to turn up? I would expect her to have had to tell a few other people, "No, let me," or she'd have been accompanied by something of a crowd.

The "little Ginny" and "little Miss Weasley" appellations originated with Tom Riddle, as we found out in the Chamber of Secrets. Apart from those negative vibes, she's been the youngest and smallest Weasley all her life, which has gotten rather old with all those protective older brothers getting into trouble but having the nerve to try to keep her out (e.g., the Department of Mysteries).


Would Harry, clueless though he can be at personal relationships, really haul out that "we're hardly friends" remark just after realizing he has feelings for Ginny? Granted, he feels reassured at being able to provoke a reaction, but that's going too far.

I like the common fanfic notion that once Harry realized how long it had been since Ginny blushed because of him, he'd also realize that he missed it. It would tend to feed his self-confidence, I imagine, and few enough relationships in his life have done that in any pleasant sort of way.

I like Ginny's lecture about why her family became so deeply involved in the war, and how it tied into their deep affection for Harry. Literally giving Harry a kick (which he had coming, I must say) is a good touch.

"The bright smile that spread across her face was worth all the embarrassment in the world."

Coming from Harry, who has never had much in his life except his dignity, *that* is meaningful.


"If it had been any of the boys, they'd be outside degnoming the garden, party or no."

Ginny's talent for handling their mother does seem to exceed that of her brothers (witness: pulling off that Crookshanks-did-it story at Grimmauld Place in OP). I've seen some stories refer to this as "little sister power".

After the time he's had, I'm not surprised that Harry is a bit clingy. Typical of his luck, that it manifested itself at just the time he could be embarrassed in public. At least matters evened out a few minutes later when Ginny kissed him and got a round of applause.

I understand where Ginny's coming from, being embarrassed at not having got over Harry. Until now, it seemed unrequited. It's humiliating almost beyond words to have feelings for someone who never had them for you, let alone having made a fool of oneself in public about it early on. Harry, though, has actually managed to come up with the right response, so there's hope for him after all.

"I'll make those seven years worth it."

Copyediting observations:
- I suggest either not capitalizing "wizarding" anywhere, or capitalizing it consistently.
- "number twelve, Grimmauld Place" is how the address is given in canon; the form with the number given in digits only seems to turn up on letters, such as the letters from no one
- I don't think "The" should be capitalized in "the Boy Who Lived"

Monday 19th February 2007 06:56Once Upon A December (Author Response)
This was such a detailed, thoughtful review, I'm quite appalled at myself for not having answered it. I know I answered the one you gave this story on the old format, when they showed up in the forums, but I thought I'd answered this one, as well.

Thank you, so so much, for taking the time to give this such a thorough response. Unfortunately, I don't have a big long answer to give back to you. The title is indeed from Anastasia and the story came about while I was watching the film. This may have led to the two weeks Auror training gaf

The Boy Who Lived is capitalised owing to it being a title. Like The Burrow, which I know is a Britism and the American versions don't capitalise the The. Of course, I could be entirely wrong in this case!

Thank you again.
Thursday 1st December 2005 21:06
Once Upon A December

Lovely work as usual 

Friday 2nd December 2005 08:22Once Upon A December (Author Response)
 Thanks! I'm glad you liked it
Wednesday 30th November 2005 07:57
Once Upon A December
This was just great,and I really liked it.Unfolded very well.When Harry looked at Ginny and admitted to himself he was in love with her,it was just a confirmatiom of his feelings over a period of time.Well done!
Wednesday 30th November 2005 15:09Once Upon A December (Author Response)

Thank you!

was just a confirmatiom of his feelings over a period of time

Exactly. Thank you so much for your review

Wednesday 30th November 2005 05:40
Once Upon A December
"Things my heart used to know, Things it yearns to remember
And a song someone sings, Once upon a December"  ~ Once Upon a December

This has always been a favorite song of mine around this time of year because it always gets me to thinking about past years and memories.  I have really enjoyed your tale and the how you created a lasting 'memory' that neither Harry nor Ginny will ever forget.
Wednesday 30th November 2005 15:04Once Upon A December (Author Response)
I love the song, too. I was actually watching Anastasia when I came up with this... surprising, I know!  Thank you for describing so beautifully exactly what I was trying to do here, and for reviewing in general  
Tuesday 29th November 2005 19:02
Once Upon A December

Aww very good story, nice and short and to the point. Very good characters, v. canon. I like that Harry reads LOTR (he's my perfect man...haha) I always love Ginny, and you portrayed her very well!
Excellent work, I'm off to see what else you've written....


Wednesday 30th November 2005 15:02Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Thank you so much, Petey! I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much  Thanks for taking the time for review!
Tuesday 29th November 2005 07:33
Once Upon A December
Wonderful Katie - Yay!  I thoroughly enjoyed that story!  Thanks for sharing it. 

You gotta love fluff!

Tuesday 29th November 2005 11:45Once Upon A December (Author Response)

You do! I really love fluff LOL Thank you for reading and revieing, J1 lovey... I miss talking to you!


Bring and Fly
Tuesday 29th November 2005 05:43
Once Upon A December

"Codswallop!" Lol! So very Ginny! I like the way you write Ginny in this; strong and assured in herself and yet still carrying a torch for Harry, who is so clueless, poor bloke.

And she pounced on him first! Yay! You have some great descriptions in here too, (I particularly like Ginny taking her gloves off with her teeth) as always in your work, and you leave me with a grin on my face as well.

Tuesday 29th November 2005 11:44Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Weee, thank you! Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it
Monday 28th November 2005 15:48
Once Upon A December
*loves the Ron proposal*

Oh, Harry. Dear sweet Harry. How like him to be at Grimmauld Place fretting while everyone else is at a party.

I enjoyed this very much.

Tuesday 29th November 2005 11:43Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Awww, you're a sweet heart! I'm glad you enjoyed... thank you so much for reviewing!
Thursday 22nd September 2005 09:43
Once Upon A December

almost forgot you had finished ficlets here Mrs Nutty!!!

Excellent as always!


and I'm sorry it took me so long to get round to reading it!!

huggles Kicky xoxoxoxo

Tuesday 15th March 2005 20:35
Once Upon A December
before Remus, in a night of heavy drinking, had set her alight.

Thank goodness.  Someone needed to resort to plain old destructive measures to get rid of her.  Remus was fitting.  Good show.

One of the rare wizarding authors who were also very well known in the Muggle world. Tolkien. Harry sat back down on the couch and lost himself in Middle Earth.

Tolkien is great to read to work of depression.  You get good and miserable for long enough to let the sorrow pass and then good wins out.  Good Thought.

I love the reality of Harry's feelings at Grimmauld place.  Two days isn't enough time to work through self loathing and the complexities of taking other lives.  Well done!

Wednesday 16th March 2005 09:35Once Upon A December (Author Response)

Thank you! I can't believe you gave me three great reviews in one day. I'm glad you liked it


Saturday 19th February 2005 20:14
Once Upon A December
Sunday 20th February 2005 09:52Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Wednesday 5th January 2005 13:01
Once Upon A December
I like how you had Ron propose.

I also like how Ginny told Harry that he was just as much of a Weasley as the rest, because I think everyone but Harry knows that.

Wow!  Loved the kiss!!!!

Great job!

Wednesday 5th January 2005 13:33Once Upon A December (Author Response)
Thanks Ginny!  I'm glad you liked it