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Reviews For Heal The Pain by Aibhinn

Sunday 7th November 2010 21:21
Heal The Pain
Wow! Quite the horrible interruption to the party.
Monday 4th December 2006 12:24
Heal The Pain
So Harry lost it . . . so sad. I had a feeling his anger was going to cause trouble eventually. And let me guess, that 'hated voice' was Cipher. I get the feeling there's a connection between Cipher and Malfoy .
Saturday 21st January 2006 00:39
Heal The Pain
Oh crud. Yay, he's engaged, he's in trouble...oh geez...
Friday 11th March 2005 10:29
Heal The Pain
Really powerful chapter. I really liked the juxtaposition of Harry's happiest moment with his anger finally cracking. You wrote very well his descent into near-madness (or full madness, perhaps), and I really felt his anger. Excellent job!