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Reviews For Tested In Fire by Lady Chi

Wednesday 24th September 2008 18:47
Tested In Fire
Tuesday 16th October 2007 15:10
Tested In Fire
interesting.... i wonder what is going on with remus and siruis...
Tuesday 30th May 2006 22:39
Tested In Fire
Burrow chock-full of people, three of those being Fred, George, and Minerva McGonagall...nah, that's not a gripping start to a story at all!

(please note excessive sarcasm)

Saturday 15th October 2005 07:02
Tested In Fire

I dn't know what to think of this, It is really good, no not good, Great! but I'm kinda confussed but I guess I'll have to keep reading then, hehe, lol. I know it's a rubbish lie but anything to keep me reading, eh? Anyway, Great!

Cherry xxx