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Reviews For Tested In Fire by Lady Chi

Thursday 25th September 2008 07:57
Tested In Fire
Sunday 6th April 2008 22:08
Tested In Fire
I love the observation you make on how the Potter men fall in love . . .
"The girl would develop the crush, adoring from far away (okay so maybe it wasn't that dramatic, but still…) and the young man would be completely dense and not notice until he himself developed one. Then he would go about acting like an idiot trying to earn her affection, not realizing that she had been in love with him the whole time. The only question in Minerva's mind was how long it was going to take this young Potter. There was one advantage to loving them, though as Lily had pointed out. Potter men fell in love once, once only and hard." . . . and what's so hilarious is that it's SO TRUE
Tuesday 16th October 2007 15:22
Tested In Fire
"Well now, that's a sure fire way to charm her into your bed," Percy said sarcastically. Everyone was honestly quite surprised.
"I do believe Percy made a joke!" Fred's face was elated.

Percy made a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :O

wow!!! I love the bantering!!! good job!!!

Tuesday 30th May 2006 22:53
Tested In Fire
I the Weasley boys...every last melodramatic one of them. That scene where they're arguing over Ginny is AMAZING

Best quote:
"I do believe Percy made a joke!" Fred's face was elated.

"I had lost all hope," George sobbed.

Yay, yay, yay...
Saturday 15th October 2005 07:43
Tested In Fire

Aww, How I love ol' Bill and Charlie, lol. Percy is starting t live a little too. Well I never imagened that but it's all good, no, Great!

Cherry xxx