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Reviews For Double Trouble by Lady Chi

Monday 7th April 2008 19:32
Double Trouble
"The Department of Magical Law Enforcement thinks that the body you've found on your grounds belongs to a Death Eater supporter who goes by the name of Cassandra."

"Do they?" Harry sounded amused. "Now why would they think that?"


go !

Friday 19th October 2007 22:20
Double Trouble
wow! that is so cool! Harry adn Ginny's family is growing really fast!!!
You came up with some interesting things! The prejustice, just becasue of malgoy on the blanket,they wont take her in. so sad
And the fact that her name has to remain malfoy until she is 12... interesting

Thursday 1st June 2006 07:50
Double Trouble, Imagine that poor girl at Hogwarts with the name 'Malfoy-Potter'. Could be VERY interesting. Cool stuff in this chapter...and I adore the Commander.