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Reviews For Heal The Pain by Aibhinn

Monday 4th December 2006 16:41
Heal The Pain
Interesting side story with Jenny Levine...poor girl.
Muggle wedding gowns...nice touch.
Tuesday 31st January 2006 06:03
Heal The Pain
Heehee, cute final line. Sorry I haven't read in a while...stupid school getting so freakin' stressful. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE TESTS?!?!?!
Wednesday 24th August 2005 19:49
Heal The Pain

i love the way this plot is Sib said in his review, the complication of legal stuffs really makes this story unique.

simply put, i am enjoying this story immensely.


oh, and one thing i was curious of...if u ever get to replying to this review, ms. levine's ex...i forgot his name...thomas?  the one who she dropped the piano on the car?  is he a wizard as well, or a muggle?

Wednesday 24th August 2005 20:27Heal The Pain (Author Response)
Hi--thanks for all your lovely reviews! I truly appreciate them.

To answer your question, Thomas is a wizard, but not much of one; he's actually almost a Squib, which is why he makes his living in Muggle bars, playing the piano.

Friday 11th March 2005 22:19
Heal The Pain
I really like the legal plot in this story. It's pretty unique in HP fan fiction. Good plot-building chapter.

Another Muggle nitpick: I don't think wizards would tend to use video tapes, especially in a world of moving pictures. It might have been better to invent a wizard-style video.