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Reviews For The Picnic by Pineapple Queen

Saturday 6th September 2008 15:26
The Picnic
Okay, first off, I just love how James dwells on asking Lily or not, until Sirius takes matters into his own hands, which,I suspect, might have been for his own Marauder humor; my idea of Lily is a little bit more Hermione-ish than yours so I expected her to have a little renitence at the boys' rule-breaking habits, but your version feels natural as well.... so overall, a great, great story..Good job!
Friday 28th March 2008 22:22
The Picnic
awwwww!!! I loved this story!!! It was awesome!!!
haha i love how siruis was taking all those pictures
the ending was adorable!
Sunday 11th November 2007 00:17
The Picnic
haha i love it:p Im glad that james toned down lol
siruis taking a million pics of them that was so siruis like :p
Monday 17th July 2006 12:21
The Picnic
Very romantic story
Friday 3rd March 2006 19:26
The Picnic
awww cute. that was really good!
Tuesday 5th October 2004 22:17
The Picnic
AAAWWW!!! Sirius snapping pictures was pricless