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Reviews For The Winter's Tail by Potter47

Monday 1st September 2008 00:42
The Winter's Tail
wow... that cat is really a Slytherin, no offence intended! she stole their socks... lol! And I just loved how you purrred your way through the story, Crookshanks-style!
Great story! Thank you for writing!
Saturday 29th March 2008 16:29
The Winter's Tail
hahah nice
so this was a story about crookshanks getting harry and ginny together
loved it
Friday 16th November 2007 19:08
The Winter's Tail
ahaha that was cute! It was a lil hard to follow who crookshanks was talking about, harry and ginny, or ron and herminoe... hahaha I love how crookshanks liked minevra :p that was funny

Monday 23rd July 2007 04:41
The Winter's Tail
Very cute!!

Kiss Kiss

Wednesday 6th June 2007 11:41
The Winter's Tail
this one is really funny, crookshanks doing all the work and telling the story.
Monday 20th November 2006 14:22
The Winter's Tail
Very nice, loved it.
Sunday 10th April 2005 10:37
The Winter's Tail
As you said... purrrrfect ;)