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Reviews For The Year of Secrets by Tosca

Saturday 17th May 2008 23:37
The Year of Secrets
huh... the one thing that i dotn get is that after spying for like 2 weeks or something malfoy figures out that h/g are an item yet r/hr cant see it and they are like harry's best friends...
Saturday 12th January 2008 20:44
The Year of Secrets
stupid stupid harry! i dont get why he wont tell gin...
why dont they set up meetings in teh room of requirement... then they have privacy adn that
uh oh draco is on to them :S not good
Wednesday 15th February 2006 10:08
The Year of Secrets
Hmm, very good story. I didn't get to review the preluding stories, but I loved them as well, that's why I'm still reading

Tuesday 27th September 2005 13:34
The Year of Secrets
Good work with this chapter as well.  I wonder when Harry will stop being such a daft prat?  Hopefully soon.