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Reviews For Miss Hogwarts by Jenna Mae

Wednesday 6th April 2005 14:59
Miss Hogwarts
Okay, I'm still wishing Harry would just flip them all the bird and tell them to go to Voldemort, but the Harry Ginny aspect is starting to show some promise.
Tuesday 5th April 2005 15:56
Miss Hogwarts

*dies laughing*

Oh, this is gooood!  I really shouldn't be reading this at 11pm - if my M&D hear me giggling like the schoolgirl I am, I'm dead!  :-)

Tuesday 5th April 2005 10:31
Miss Hogwarts
The twins got him. Ha!
Love the Ginny reaction. Hope this pulls them together.
Good work.
Sunday 6th June 2004 02:12
Miss Hogwarts