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Reviews For A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff by Mr. Intel

Saturday 30th August 2008 16:57
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
Well that wasn't the Valentine's gift I would have given her, but it did work.

Saturday 30th August 2008 00:12
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
Awww that's cute! I love those four kids - they are adorable!
Monday 28th January 2008 22:48
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
Will there be a chapter two. This could be made into a nice romantic Valentine's story of our four favorite characters. Nice read. I'd like to see more.
Wednesday 7th November 2007 18:00
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
huh interesting... so were harry and ginny going out or something when they overheard that convo between ginny and hermonie???

Wednesday 12th September 2007 11:15
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
I do wonder what Ron had planned for Hermione
The Boss
Monday 28th May 2007 05:13
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
Great Story!!!

The Boss
Tuesday 12th December 2006 11:40
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
Nice story...I hope there is more. and are my favorite couple...I have to know how it went.
Monday 19th June 2006 23:31
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
very romantic,
i like it
Thursday 29th December 2005 17:07
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
That was cute..
Sunday 7th August 2005 16:37
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff
Great job, but I can't help but wonder what happened with Ron and Hermione...
Saturday 23rd April 2005 17:26
A Bit o' Valentine's Fluff

Cute, but I think they could've at least kissed..  I think  you should write more or a sequel, with the after effects of Hermione and Ron, and of couse Harry and Ginny.

Over all Great job, keep writing, and write me back Plez
