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Reviews For Hero by Basil M

Monday 10th April 2006 20:54
What a beautiful moment!
angel of nightmares
Tuesday 8th June 2004 01:57
This is an awesome story. You're probably my favorite author on this site.
Tuesday 1st June 2004 23:45
Hey! I haven't read this story but from reading your previous ones, it's probably going to be one of those, "Awww that was sooo cute" kind of stories. I love your work and I look forward to more! ~HisGirl
Tuesday 1st June 2004 09:48
Awwwwww... that's my immediate response to that last line... and the fic in general.

Great job, I love your Ginny, you write her almost exactly as I imagine JKR will in books 6 & 7. And you and Pooca bouncing off each other makes me laugh