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Reviews For Another Diaper, My Dear? by Calixa

Sunday 21st August 2011 17:48
Another Diaper, My Dear?
OOOH! Plot twist!
Thursday 21st August 2008 15:27
Another Diaper, My Dear?
uh oh....
Saturday 8th July 2006 21:19
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Yes, this is bad!
Monday 7th June 2004 22:45
Another Diaper, My Dear?
This story is so wacky! It's really fun though. I'm enjoying it a lot and look forward to the next chapter.
Sunday 6th June 2004 09:45
Another Diaper, My Dear?

This is such a good story...

That happened to my mom with my brother, once. Oui, v. disgusting.
Tuesday 1st June 2004 13:28
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Cali, this story rocks. A lot. Each and every chapter has had me in stitches.

"The Accident"--so exactly what happens with little kids, and so not fun for teenagers to deal with. I love the capitalization and the fact that it's not to be thought of any more.

And your nicknames for Hermione are quite interesting. Her name is certainly a mouthful, especially for little kids, so "Erminninie" and "Heeermy" are great substitutes.

And since Ron got splashed with the potion, does this make him older? Or does he actually have to drink it? And what exactly was that spell that Harry hit Hermione with? You've got to watch out for him--powerful as he is, grabbing ahold of Ron's wand is definitely asking for disaster (disastor? neither looks right to me).

Tuesday 1st June 2004 09:34
Another Diaper, My Dear?
That was brilliant. Hermione swore! *gasp*

"Oh, and he'll forgive me?" snapped Ron, in hysterics.

excellent update Calixa!
DC SugarQuill
Monday 31st May 2004 19:28
Another Diaper, My Dear?

'nuff said
Monday 31st May 2004 16:46
Another Diaper, My Dear?
This is just getting too cute. lol. Please update soon, I can't wait to see what happened to Hermy. *snort*
Monday 31st May 2004 12:29
Another Diaper, My Dear?
I hadn't read this and now I am regreting it. It's very funny.

The trials of Harry and Ginny minding for poor Ron are great. The two act like toddlers should. Poor Ron.

Antonia East
Monday 31st May 2004 08:16
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Again you had me in stitches! The only thing I'm not sure about is when do babies teeth? I thought they were younger than two or three. But otherwise brilliant, and I can't wait to see the effects of the Aging Potion
Monday 31st May 2004 08:16Another Diaper, My Dear? (Author Response)
Again you had me in stitches! The only thing I'm not sure about is when do babies teeth? I thought they were younger than two or three. But otherwise brilliant, and I can't wait to see the effects of the Aging Potion

I had to stretch it a bit! But I checked up on baby websites and they said from 1-3 *laughs*