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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer by Ash

Tuesday 17th October 2006 15:53
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Friday 23rd June 2006 15:40
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Well. Tom is a bloody *beep*. Going so low to poision a cake mix. I bet it was Bellatrix or Narcissia. Thank god it was Lupin who came and not a Death Eater.
Wednesday 17th May 2006 21:54
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Amazing tension level at the end there. Quite a gripping chapter.
Gotta hate those Dursleys!
Sunday 1st May 2005 20:43
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
I'm digging Harry's sense of humor.

Am curious to see how much Harry's summer studying is going to pay off.

I like how Harry is trying to change himself, how he has learned from mistakes.

Sadly, I do hope that Dudley will be okay. He had a lot more cake and is being taken to a MUGGLE hospital. :(
Tuesday 18th January 2005 17:40
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
That was a killer chapter. I'm glad it was Remus. I hope he gets help in time for them.