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Reviews For Second Chances by The F00l2

Stephanie O
Sunday 17th June 2012 22:15
Second Chances
I'm glad for Harry that he can "kiss" Privet Drive goodbye!! Interesting middle name for Sirius...Trouble? I thought it was Orion?
Monday 9th May 2005 18:13
Second Chances
Write more, let's get a goin'!
Friday 23rd July 2004 00:39
Second Chances
Hippie ! Hurrah!

Serious (Sirius) Trouble--"Trouble is my middle name"! Oh, that's funny!

You're wearing Chudley Cannons boxers and an interesting piece of jewelry. Is that good enough for you?"
With that, Harry quickly shut the door and undid the chain, opening it fully to let the two wizards inside. Blushing furiously all the while, Harry kept his wand ready just in case.

I knew that was a blusher! BTW, why don't we have a blushing smiley? For that matter, where's the Ginny smiley? Huh? /rant
Sorry, I like your story a lot, and am looking forward to the next chapter.
Monday 14th June 2004 02:33
Second Chances
Good story. Hope to read the next chapter soon.
Saturday 12th June 2004 18:20
Second Chances
this is excellent can't wait for the next update