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Reviews For After All by Alcarcalime

Saturday 8th August 2009 02:03
After All
Oh my gosh! Ok I'm still really mad that you killed Ron and Hermione, but you did partially make up for it by bringing Ginny back so I guess I can forgive you. It was such a sad story, but really well written and really romantic. Good job!
Friday 13th June 2008 02:38
After All
This is really good and really sad all at once. Harry and Ginny lost so many they loved and they also lost a year they could have been together. A very well done story. Thank you for writing. p
Monday 17th December 2007 05:01
After All
I'm glad you didn't kill everybody off in the end! I'm so happy that Ginny and Harry found each other, if anybody deserves happiness its those two although its a shame that Hermione and Ron had to die. In my opinion all the best stories make you feel a whole range of emotions when you read them and I felt so many reading this one! Good job!
Tuesday 18th December 2007 06:47After All (Author Response)
I didn't want to kill them too but my only consolation is that they died in each other's arms. Thanks, I'm glad you like the story!
Wednesday 31st October 2007 07:06
After All
my god you are brave, killing off ron and hermione then letting everyone think you killed ginny aswell, i hope you paid for the best protection available lol

nice wee story. well done
Saturday 3rd November 2007 03:29After All (Author Response)
Oh believe me, I did--in case there would be some who'd like to have my head. lol

Thanks for the review!
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Friday 14th October 2005 13:35
After All
ooh,so good i love this story

XXXmister-E werepony unit
Sunday 4th September 2005 19:32
After All
*flicks a tear out of eye* so...very,very touching.this was amazing.simply are among the very best writers that i know about.
Tuesday 6th September 2005 08:32After All (Author Response)
Thank you! That means so much!
Saturday 25th June 2005 18:38
After All
*needs to find another romantic comedy piece* That was so good. I really enjoyed this, and was upset when I thought you had actually killed off Ginny (I didn't think she was dead, but then in your previous AN you said 'helped me write Ginny's death scene' but I suppose that was to throw people like me off. Beautiful ending, and now I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to look for a happier piece... but I promise I'll see if you have one first.
Tuesday 6th September 2005 08:30After All (Author Response)
Thank you for your review. I'm glad you liked the fic. It's okay, we need some fluff once in a while ;)
Monday 21st March 2005 13:59
After All
This was good. Brilliant. Nice angst, and I know you've got flak for killing Ron/Herm, but it pushed Harry over the edge.

I likey the reunion in the park.

Good show.
Ima Quidditch Fan
Wednesday 23rd February 2005 23:04
After All

As tears of joy stream down my cheeks... ahhh, that was great!  Really great - please write more!!!!!

Monday 15th November 2004 22:41
After All

Yay! So it's not depressing yet brilliant death; it's suspense and a reunion! Again, yay! Wow, no matter what happens, you always make me enjoy the reading! Now that's talent...


Oh, I am just so happy! Yay!!!!!

Monday 15th November 2004 15:00
After All

I realy do not like angst and tragedy.  I figure there's enough of that in the real world, That I don't need it when I'm trying to relax and read so I really prefer comedy and fluff.  Still I'll read the sad stuff occassionally.  At least this had some fluff and a more-or-less happy ending.

Good Job though


Sunday 14th November 2004 23:31
After All
Okay ... glad H|G have something positive to look forward to ... on to reading the finale(?) now ...
Friday 29th October 2004 11:04
After All