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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer by Ash

Wednesday 18th October 2006 07:35
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Friday 23rd June 2006 16:59
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Wow. Stupid Voldemort. He is acually really smart to plant the images, but just plain stupid. If you know what I mean. And I absolutly love the bears. I want one. And I want to see what the Ginny bear would say.
Sunday 1st May 2005 22:33
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Overdose on Sleeping draught eh? But why did Petunia drug him? Does she really hate Harry that much? And if so, why is he still at their house? Didn't Dumbledore say he was a bit safer at Hogwarts, i mean i know that can make Hogwarts a target but still............

I want Harry outta there!

Tuesday 18th January 2005 20:07
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
When will they quit sending Harry back to the Durwley's. For it to be the safest place for him, he keeps getting hurt a lot. I hope the vision was a fake.
Friday 9th July 2004 11:59
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
I want a Beary Botter! That was so funny! My son was reading it over my shoulder and we were both cracking up. Thank you for breaking up the angst with something so ridiculously funny.
Thursday 17th June 2004 11:37
Harry Potter and the Bloody Summer
Gosh, I wish that I could sleep as much as Harry did without getting in trouble... good chapter