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Reviews For Regret by Cera

Friday 10th August 2007 16:53
so sad but yet so beautifull, I really liked it. And it is one of Harry's trademarks to blame him self for what happens to other persons.
Lily Flower
Wednesday 21st February 2007 15:32
How very sweet. I don't know if its ever been said but I will--Harry is a bloody idiot. And he's slow. Very slow. But still such a great character. Good job. Now on to the other stories!
Sunday 4th March 2007 21:36Regret (Author Response)
Yes, he's a really great character, and an idiot at times. Tis why we love him. Thanks again!
Tuesday 12th December 2006 11:21
Hey. I've already reviewed this but just wanted to add to some previous posters really do a good job of catching the correct characterization of the characters (too much alliteration, i know)...just wanted to congratulate you on that talent.
Sunday 4th March 2007 21:37Regret (Author Response)
And thanks again. Characterizations are so tough, because everyone has an interpretation. I'm glad you think I've done them justice.
Tuesday 12th December 2006 10:56
Breathtaking. Just great. I really enjoy your work.
Sunday 4th March 2007 21:36Regret (Author Response)
Wow, thanks.
Tuesday 2nd August 2005 23:50
+! Aww! And +++ rapping Harry on the head! Yeah, Moody, you better knock some sense into him!! Hee-hee  Sorry, I just love these smileys. Great job. I loved it. So evil at the beginning, but so sweet at the end. *tear*  Good work with the story!!
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:47Regret (Author Response)
Thanks!  Love your use of smileys :D
Tuesday 2nd August 2005 06:35
That was just so good. I went from feeling sorry for Harry, to wanting to slap him, to cheering him on. It invoked so many emotions in a short time. It is so hard to get readers to identify with one emotion through a character but you did it with several emotions. Good job.
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:42Regret (Author Response)
Thanks again!  I put Harry through the ringer on this one, but I think he needs that every so often.
Monday 1st August 2005 01:43
Wednesday 3rd August 2005 07:40Regret (Author Response)
Thanks :)
Wild Magelet
Thursday 24th February 2005 23:53
I agree with the review comment that you made about Harry being far more likely than Ron to push away someone he cared about. Ron coming from a more stable family background, and growing up surrounded by love, would reinforce that. It's hard to imagine how guilty Harry would feel if someone he had strong romantic feelings for was hurt. I think you did a fantastic job with this fic. A withdrawn, guilt-ridden Harry is far more believable to me in this situation than a (possibly more romantic, but probably less realistic) Harry who would rush to Ginny's bedside. Terrific writing.
Saturday 26th February 2005 11:40Regret (Author Response)

Thanks so much for your comments.  It's nice when my own thoughts are validated by others.  I think that the whole idea of love would be such a foreign concept for Harry that he would have problems dealing with it.  While I love to read (and write) the stories where Harry is carefree and accepting of love, it's fun to write stories where he's not.  Exploring all the possibilities is what makes fanfiction so great.

Thanks again for your thoughts.

Saturday 20th November 2004 20:36

Whoa!, you do have a way with emotional feelings and putting them on paper. that was good. All the stories I have read on all the different sites concerning hp, gw and rw,hg and they share thier feelings, while being extemely good, and knowing that they are just stories, fanfiction. I personally cant really relate to either harry or ron being so bloody ignorant or just plain stupid enough to push thier love for their soulmates away thinking they can protect her. man they are stupid. I would rather spend 10 mins, hour, 2 hours a day, month whatever with the woman/girl of my dreams that loved me back then spend a lifetime without or worse push her away so much that she finally does leave and find someone else.

Sorry about that, just had to get it off my chest. you stories is really good though, I might not be able to relate to the characters sometimes, but I still like reading the stories....

Wednesday 24th November 2004 11:01Regret (Author Response)

Thanks for this review as well!

I can totally agree with you.  It seems silly to give up something that would make you happy (for the most part).  I don't see Ron ever pushing Hermione away, but Harry's a different story.  I'm not sure how he would be, honestly, whether he'll embrace love, or push it away.  I like to write stories using various outcomes, since in my mind, they're all plausible.

I'm glad you liked the emotion, since it was for an angst contest.

Tuesday 16th November 2004 18:56
So sad, so sweet!  Very good ending.

Wednesday 24th November 2004 10:57Regret (Author Response)
Thank so much!
Saturday 10th July 2004 14:57
This is an absolutely beautiful piece of work. The story seems so real and raw. Harry's characterisations are absolutely perfect. It seems like I'm reading something J.K.R. wrote herself. And, trust me, I don't throw that compliment around lightly. You created a perfect blend of angst and romance. I love the way you built up the story gradually. Very effective. The end was also fabulous. Thanks for writing this.
Wednesday 7th July 2004 21:40
This was brilliant. Your characterisations, especially your suffering-unfound-guilt Harry and have-to-push-everyone-away Harry, were fantastic and you totally had me sucked in from the very start.

Not to mention the relationship between Harry and Hermione, very sibling-ish and real
Mr. Intel
Tuesday 29th June 2004 15:48
Wow. That was the most powerful entry by far. Poor Harry, though! Stupid, stupid boy.

Well done.
Lady Chi
Saturday 26th June 2004 22:12
Why, oh why, oh why did it have to be angst? Any other sort of genre would be better! Here I am, not entirely emotionally recovered from the last fic I read, and here you come through with this fic that has me in tears!!!

Well done. Well written. Very enjoyable.
Saturday 26th June 2004 01:30
Something that drastic would probably cause Harry to admit something

Well written.
Saturday 26th June 2004 00:26
Wow! What a powerful story! I love how you hint so strongly at who "she" is, but don't reveal it until much later in the story. You've done a terrific job with Ron and Hermione as well. This is definitely a story I'll read again
Friday 25th June 2004 17:47
Oh, another story that should come with a hanky alert. I only hope that when this contest is over and we find out which author wrote what that you'll have more stories posted somewhere. Come to think of it, this'd make a great start to a bigger story itself!