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Reviews For With All My Love by Lady Chi

Friday 18th January 2008 04:12
With All My Love
I like the way you are developing Lily and James relationship gradually, I like the fact that it is more of a natural progression rather than one minute they hate each other then the next they love each other. It's much more believable how you have written it. Great action with the attack on the train, love it!
Tuesday 15th May 2007 15:15
With All My Love
Was it Death Eaters?? It sounded like it. Haha. Sirius' comment was great. :0)
Sunday 29th April 2007 02:13
With All My Love
The attack was interesting. I like the lead in to the attack being a low level sound to begin with and then increasing until James decided to investigate.
The by-play between the boys and Lily was good. I like the fact that Remus and Sirius were in the car because "Dumbledore told them too." Leave it to Dumbledore to set up James and Lily so that they have to spend more time together because they are head boy and girl! I can see his eyes twinkling now! I like the way James and Lily worked together to increase the wards. I look forward to more of this story. Thanks for writing. p
Saturday 17th June 2006 07:52
With All My Love
That was exciting! Wow!!! Very thrilling, and I love James in this a lot.
Sunday 2nd October 2005 06:48
With All My Love



Monday 19th July 2004 07:43
With All My Love
Excellent action and the description of the Warding Charm. The line from Dumbledore was typically him and made me smile.
Mr. Intel
Friday 9th July 2004 14:23
With All My Love
Excellent, if short chapter. I'm just now getting around to reading past the first!

One issue, however... When Lily says, "The way this train is moving, our attackers are getting closer." I was under the impression that the train had stopped. (Suddenly, the train began to rock and came to a grinding, jarring stop.)

So which is it? Perhaps you meant to comment on the way the train was 'rocking'? That would make much more sense, but I don't know for sure.

Anyhow... Off to read the rest!
Monday 28th June 2004 21:52
With All My Love
I'm sad to say that I've never read any of your fics before, and I don't know why. I like this story!!!

Update soon! I have all week until I start working and I want some good fics!

Great job Chi!
Sunday 27th June 2004 03:52
With All My Love

Did you not think we would miss you?? Of course we would.

It's getting to the point that I only read H/G and J/L fics, so this is more than welcome to become a new fave.

I do like the new chapter and was excited to see you had updated!

Sunday 27th June 2004 03:52With All My Love (Author Response)
Honestly, I wasn't entirely sure anyone knew I'd been missing for a while. I'm really excited to see you again!! I'm looking forward to hearing from you in later chapters! Thanks for the review. I really appreciate it.