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Reviews For Hidden Treasures by Delylah

Thursday 27th May 2010 09:07
Hidden Treasures
Monday 26th October 2009 23:57
Hidden Treasures
What a sweet story! Very beautifully written
Saturday 15th August 2009 18:31
Hidden Treasures
this a great story. you acurately portrayed harry AND ginny, something which i dont think i've seen yet. harry is the typical, withdrawing away, and ginny has her fireryness. a great story. i wouldnt mind seeing that become a multi-chapter tale.
Sunday 6th April 2008 17:25
Hidden Treasures
Wow! That was great. I'm glad I found your work. I'll be reading it all.
Saturday 20th October 2007 08:18
Hidden Treasures
This is great! I think it was a great one shot.
Wednesday 4th April 2007 14:49
Hidden Treasures
Wow. This was a fantastic story. I'm kind of disapointed that this is all there is to it though. I'd love to get a glimpse into Sirius' diaries and the evolution of Harry and Ginny's relationship in the confines of this fic. Could be really interesting. Anyway, this was a really great story.
Friday 16th March 2007 20:52
Hidden Treasures
loved it!
Wednesday 14th March 2007 23:29
Hidden Treasures
"You might as well say that I shouldn't breath"

That was an excellent story, so beautifully written. Very angsty and dark at some parts (the boggart totally fooled me at first, I didn't know what the hell was going on!), but you wove in the romance just right. Excellent work!

Saturday 16th September 2006 21:32
Hidden Treasures
This was beautiful. I listened to "Lost without you" by Delta Goodrem while reading this.^^
Sunday 6th August 2006 06:56
Hidden Treasures
This is a great story. I stumbled upon it when I couldn't sleep and I just had to comment on it. Great job!
Wednesday 24th May 2006 18:52
Hidden Treasures
that was really wow. it had fear, love, sadness, happyness, and a lot of other differant emotions that would take up to much space. So the final conclution is that that was really good. no great!
Friday 21st October 2005 21:11
Hidden Treasures
A tear-jerker. I really enjoyed this story.
Friday 23rd September 2005 20:18
Hidden Treasures
Great story, tugged at the old heart strings it did.
Lady Ginny Potter
Friday 27th May 2005 13:14
Hidden Treasures
That is the cutest yet saddest one-short I've read in a long time.  Great job on it.
Thursday 26th May 2005 21:36
Hidden Treasures

Wonderful story. Wonderful and absolutely heart-wrenching.

Monday 23rd May 2005 12:02
Hidden Treasures

This is a very touching and emotional story.  I was reading one of your other stories, and decided to see what else you had written.  I like you didn't have Harry just fall over heels for Gin, or not just be in love.  Having him seemingly maybe have some sort of interest, but not know what he wants seemed realistic.  A well written piece of Fan Fiction.


Wednesday 4th May 2005 18:26
Hidden Treasures
I'm speechless.  This is honestly the best I think I've ever read.
Friday 6th May 2005 21:55Hidden Treasures (Author Response)
Thank you! That's high praise, indeed. :)  Hidden Treasures is probably the story I am most proud of, so far. I've been toying with the idea of a sequel, but then again, this also is not a bad prologue for the HPDD universe, either. We'll see :)
Wednesday 9th February 2005 19:37
Hidden Treasures
Loved it!
Thursday 3rd February 2005 21:32
Hidden Treasures

Wow, I just found this and I must say I'm impressed. The level of interaction between Harry and Ginny was perfect--his resistance was there, but not insurmountable, and it's great that we didn't have Ephiphany!Harry who doesn't think twice about Ginny Weasley, but in the course of one conversation finds out he can't live without her.

This is more subtle and realistic and beautifully written! I have not been so pleased with a story in quite a while!

Sunday 12th December 2004 19:19
Hidden Treasures

This is brilliant. In all honesty I cannot describe in words how good this was. The interaction between Harry and Ginny was in one word perfect. And Ginny's boggart was very original. I really liked how you portrayed Harry's insecurities, and how Ginny would comfort him. Everything in this holds to canon wonderously.


Tuesday 30th November 2004 23:37
Hidden Treasures

Perfect ending...


I hate it when Harry all of sudden decides to feel better about the world ending and enjoy a good snog...


This is very raw, and real. Love it lots :)

Sunday 21st November 2004 21:51
Hidden Treasures
That was nice. You really did a good job with the characters. you also have a very good imaginatioin in thinking up cleaning the attic, and the diaries idea was great. also the way you dealt with ginny feelings toward harry was subtle and really fit well into the story. I also liked the last bit when he asked her exactly how she loved him, and his reaction to her then asking her to sit with him while they read. one word beautiful.... well written!
Aberforth's Avatar
Saturday 20th November 2004 05:39
Hidden Treasures
What a lovely story, I see why you garnered so many votes with it.  Pacing and characterization were just about perfect.  The emotions were powerful, yet muted.  I loved the boggart scene, it was so well done.  And Ginny throughout was strong and determined not to placate or temporize.  I'll definately be looking to read your other stories.
Saturday 25th September 2004 10:38
Hidden Treasures

Oh, my goodness!!!!!!!!!I love it. It was so perfectly Ginny! And the depth of emotion was wonderful...I liked the whole fic....from the pumpkin juice to the part when they start reading the journals.

I have a small confession to never occured to me that Harry had never heard the words, 'I Love You' said to him.

Wow! That was a profound realization.


Monday 13th September 2004 23:34
Hidden Treasures

Hi Delylah... great story! I really liked how Ginny used food to get to Harry (the way to a man's heart via his stomach, indeed. :D). I also liked you how showed Ginny's conflict between wanting to preserve her dignity by not being too willing to take Harry's surly mood, yet wanting to help him. She came off as caring, yet still strong. The boggart was well done, too. Very creepy. And the end was great, with Ginny holding his hand as they read the books. Great job!

Monday 6th September 2004 15:41
Hidden Treasures
Lovely writing. After the kiss I started to think no no don't end it that way, but you did fix it and end it quite nicely-with hope.
Friday 30th July 2004 13:59
Hidden Treasures
Wonderful fic. I liked the last bit where Harry was trying to confirm what Ginny felt for him. It was written beautifully.
Thanks for writing!
Tuesday 20th July 2004 09:53
Hidden Treasures
Congratulations! Wonderful work!

I just can't get over the fact that the top scorers in the contest - not to mention my favorite entries - all turned out to be by my favorite authors.

Keep up the great work, and let's see some DD!
Sunday 18th July 2004 13:19
Hidden Treasures
What a lovely story. I so enjoyed reading this one.
I appreciated the realistic characterization.
Thursday 15th July 2004 09:45
Hidden Treasures
Wonderful! Great Job! I really liked this fic. Thank you.

BTW:I hope there is a sequal, I'd love to know what's in the books.
Basil M
Tuesday 13th July 2004 23:53
Hidden Treasures

am speechless. This was great, sad but happy too and very H/G. very perfect. Ooh I just love it. Every bit of it.
Saturday 10th July 2004 16:35
Hidden Treasures
Hi, Delylah!

Saw the link to this on your LJ, and I decided to come take a look at it. And I must say, I see why it was the winner of the competition. You got everything done well, especially Ginny's reaction to Boggart!Harry and what the boggart acts like.

I also liked how Harry didn't jump to the conclusion that Ginny liked him that way. In lots of fics, if Ginny or anyone says that, they immediately jump into a relationship. But I liked how in this one, Harry asks. I don't know why... I just do.

Miss Mione
Thursday 8th July 2004 16:05
Hidden Treasures
OMG! that is soo wonderful! I have never read anything like it! A story that great is never done in one chapter, but you did it! Well done!
Thursday 8th July 2004 03:49
Hidden Treasures
Wow, I'm really impressed by this. That you can make such a compelling story line with just two characters and one scene is quite the accomplishment, especially given the restraints of the contest.

The boggart scene was excellent, the perfect way to twist the course of the story around. And the dialogue is quite ingenious. It builds up so naturally, like a subconscious give and take. I think it's very realistic and enjoyable that every time Ginny swallows her pride and pushes back rather than being driven away it forces Harry (no matter how much he doesn't want to) to open up just a little bit more.

Then there's the kiss. I'm not usually a fan of snogging in contest fics, but you've done a really nice job with it -- and it's larger implications. By leaving that side of the story hanging, you stay true to the characters and keep the tone intact. But, at the same, it nicely illustrates the development that's gone on.

Anyway, a great job!
praesul femella
Sunday 4th July 2004 13:44
Hidden Treasures
I love this fic. I think it'd be really great if you somehow managed to add more chapters in it. It's so sweet!
Sunday 4th July 2004 10:52
Hidden Treasures
I'm afraid I'm going to be very unoriginal in my review, but wow... that was simply amazing. Bravo.
Wednesday 30th June 2004 16:35
Hidden Treasures
Oh! This is my favorite of the ones I've read so far. I think that the arguement in the beginning is very realistic, as is all of their dialouge. I enjoy the setup of this chapter too, it's simple-- just Harry and Ginny. Very nice.
Rhymes With Orange
Wednesday 30th June 2004 01:55
Hidden Treasures
Evil, evil boggart. *shudder*

But I really liked the rest of it. It felt like how I expect Harry and Ginny to react.
Monday 28th June 2004 15:29
Hidden Treasures
This is great, definitely the best of the challenge entries I've seen so far, and probably will continue to be the best of all of them. Great interaction, lots of emotions going on here. The kiss was well done, not too rushed, not too forced, and not especially happy, either. Loved the Boggart scene, I was really freaked out at first by that (didn't know if it was a dream, or what.) Nicely done! I hope you win the challenge, because this is ++blocked++ed awesome!

Mr. Intel
Monday 28th June 2004 13:51
Hidden Treasures
What a fantastically well written story! I very much enjoyed reading this one and so far, it's my favorite.

I can't even begin to tell you all the things that I liked, so I will anyway.

The pacing was well thought out. I absolutely LOVED the characterization. Talk about spot on! Harry was snarky and tortured. Ginny was confident and bold. The boggart was cool and you used the best devices to advance the plot. (Harry's butt cheek impression to reveal the S.B., etc.)

If only all of us could write this well!
Monday 28th June 2004 11:36
Hidden Treasures
That was lovely. I liked the easy progression of their friendship. Both were quite in character as well. Good job.
Monday 28th June 2004 11:31
Hidden Treasures
Wish this fic was longer! In fact, it sounds really familiar but I can't put a finger on why, like you updated a previous submission for this contest? Or maybe all the fanfic I've read is starting to run together. No matter, it was very enjoyable. Glad Ginny had the guts to confess her feelings to Harry.
Monday 28th June 2004 10:27
Hidden Treasures
yes, yes, yes. This one has all kinds of promise. I loved Ginny's boggart. It was so creepy to think her boggart is Harry as a death eater. Please keep writing this one. (And I like how the James Bond reference to pumpkin juice keeps showing up as a clue to your identity.) Kelleypen
Lady Chi
Monday 28th June 2004 09:33
Hidden Treasures
I wish I had more time to sit and review this one, as there were several passages I enjoyed that I would like to personally point out to you. However, I think I'm going to have to do an overall review.

I really enjoyed the angstiness of this fic, especially the buildup to the Death Eater Harry Boggart scene. You've captured Ginny's greatest fear, I think, better than most authors do.

This piece was highly original, and I wish you the best of luck with the contest!

Monday 28th June 2004 08:25
Hidden Treasures
A wonderful, wonderful story. You trod the line nicely between angst and fluff. Your characterizations were spot on and I very much enjoyed the story.

Keep writing, I'll keep reading.

You have my vote.

Kokopelli (J. Cornell)
Monday 28th June 2004 01:49
Hidden Treasures
This was truly beautiful. It was original and the part with the boggart had me gasping. Very nicely done- the dialogue was natural, the kissing, the feelings...I had a little tear in my eye when she told him she loved him. Bravo. This one is my favourite out of all the entries so far I think. Good for you. lol
Ima Quidditch Fan
Sunday 27th June 2004 17:29
Hidden Treasures
*clapping with tears* That was wonderful!

I love Ginny's line,"You might as well tell me I shouldn't breathe". That about sums it up!

Sunday 27th June 2004 17:29
Hidden Treasures

I'm in awe. The interaction, the snapping, the boggart...

Well, I hope you win, because that's great.