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Reviews For Plugs and Protection, US Edition by Allie Kiwi

Tuesday 9th September 2014 12:12
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
I'm loving this! The tampon present is hilarious! But why is Harry so egocentric, picking a ring that matches his eyes?
Tuesday 9th September 2014 12:08
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
I'm loving this! The tampon present is hilarious! But why is Harry so egocentric, picking a ring that matches his eyes?
Wednesday 21st October 2009 15:14
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
That was so sweet! I loved the tampons, it was hillarious!
Saturday 6th December 2008 04:31
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
looooovvved it ... that was brillent !
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 07:24
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
I love !!!
Wednesday 22nd October 2008 07:23
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
I love !!!
Monday 21st April 2008 02:02
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Still one of my all-time favorite romantic one-shots.
Wednesday 16th April 2008 17:44
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Very cute and nicely done.
fallen ruse
Wednesday 2nd April 2008 19:29
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
This had me laughing! Great story, and love the ending- very sweet of Ron.
Monday 24th March 2008 20:38
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Yayyy, that was beautiful use of subtlety. I've read through this thrice in one go. I love how you showed us how Ginny reached for the bag near Harry's elbow.

I guess Ron's getting lucky tonight! *snicker*
Saturday 1st March 2008 16:17
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Ooh, subtle! I had to go back and relook at Harry's reaction when Ginny opened her gift. Well-played; the reader had to pay careful attention to notice the gift mix-up. I liked it!!
Friday 15th February 2008 20:35
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Oh, so sweet, I LOVED it!!! Too funny - I feel so bad for Ron.. nice to see that he had the grace not to spoil the moment with the truth - it seems a lot of authors only show him having "the emotional depth of a teaspoon" and highlight his ineptness in romantic situations. You managed to show both sides of his personality.
Grandma Kate
Wednesday 13th February 2008 09:35
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
A fine Valentine story. So Ron has some insight, after all.
Monday 11th February 2008 03:30
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Poor Ron. He really tries and this is perfect. Tampons and plugs? What a laugh. I'm glad that Hermione has a good sense of humor over it all. Thanks for writing. This was fun. p
Monday 11th February 2008 03:56Plugs and Protection, US Edition (Author Response)
I'm glad you liked it! The tampons and plugs were two gifts my hubby [i]didn't[/i] give me. The toilet brush and ironing board cover on the other hand...
Wednesday 20th September 2006 16:24
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
Still cute. But why would Ron be touched by an angry poem .
Wednesday 2nd November 2005 18:14
Plugs and Protection, US Edition
This had me laughing soooo hard. I'm guessing the earrings meant that Harry gave them to Ron??? But all except that last bit was awesome!