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Reviews For The Awakening Power by Sib

Sunday 19th November 2006 15:39
The Awakening Power
Tuesday 19th September 2006 11:45
The Awakening Power
Oh, I can see Snape is asking for it . I hope Harry gets paired with Malfoy along the way, so he can get a little comeuppance too . I like the way Ginny teases Ron and Hermione .
Well, Snape has proven what a git and prat he is. Maybe Harry should contact the board of Governors on his own .
Monday 11th September 2006 17:31
The Awakening Power

Oh man that was scary im glade harry got off it was so good. I cant wait to read more. Snape the slimy git should have gottan more. i cant belive he did that
Thursday 24th August 2006 13:37
The Awakening Power
Stupid git. He definatly got what he deserved.
Sunday 21st May 2006 19:34
The Awakening Power
Oh man...terrifying...but really....really...COOL! Oh man! And the tension between them comes to a head and it all goes to hell in a handbasket! Man, that was great! Whoa.

I'm sorry...weird reaction I know...but it was just so GOOD.
Monday 28th November 2005 05:08
The Awakening Power
Nice teamwork between Ginny and Harry there. And Snape got what he deserved - yeah! Obviously DD's words when giving him the post did not have much of an effect.
Monday 30th May 2005 21:28
The Awakening Power
Well done chapter - by far the most intriguing.
Saturday 23rd April 2005 22:56
The Awakening Power

Wow. Snape got to taste Angry Harry. Shoulda kept his mouth shut about Sirius.

Harry's getting scarily good at defense. Hope he can hold his own against a DE. Good work.

Monday 20th December 2004 12:19
The Awakening Power
Usually when I'm behind in a story I wait to review until the end . . . but I can't in this case.

Let's just say that I'm still angry on Harry's behalf. Your depiction is wonderful, and I can't see straight I'm so angry at Snape. My praise to the awesome author!

More to come on the overall story once I finish. But for now I can't get my mind off that battle scene . . . I feel like I didn't read it, but lived it through Harry's eyes.

Wednesday 20th October 2004 13:53
The Awakening Power
I happened to be listening  to Shinedown's "Fly From the Inside" as I read the duel scene, perfect timing wouldn't you say?
Thursday 8th July 2004 19:19
The Awakening Power
It is a pitty Snape lived. He has no honor. Thus he is a base animal, If I were Harry I would not feel an iota of remorse except I did not finish what I started.
To much Ron/Hermione, we know they are a couple and would be. Let us get to the good stuff. I want some Harry/Ginny romance!
Thursday 8th July 2004 19:14
The Awakening Power
It is a pitty Snape lived. He has no honor. Thus he is a base animal, If I were Harry I would not feel an iota of remorse except I did not finish what I started.
To much Ron/Hermione, we know they are a couple and would be. Let us get to the good stuff. I want some Harry/Ginny romance!
Wednesday 7th July 2004 23:51
The Awakening Power
Woohoo! Awesome chapter!
Wednesday 7th July 2004 22:09
The Awakening Power
Wow. That was really, really good. The stuff with Hermione and Ron in the beginning was great, and I liked how Ginny and Harry teased them with feigned ignorance. The dueling matches were great; Hermione vs. Harry was really good with the illusion spell. Snape vs. Harry was chilling in its intensity, both verbal and physical. I like how Harry recognized the cutting curse from the Pensieve scene, and snarled about how he could only hit James with his back turned--calling him a rotten cheater. And then Snape couldn't reel in his own temper, so Harry bashed him to pieces. I really enjoyed seeing Snape get it all thrown back in his face. And Dumbledore at the end! Hilarious. But I think they both need to learn to control themselves, though, because it's not good where they're heading. Cool how Ginny came to make Harry feel a bit better when he was so angry. I'm eager to read your next chapter--keep up the great work!
Wednesday 7th July 2004 20:07
The Awakening Power
Another wonderful chapter! The tournament was exciting and written very well. I love how Harry would have been able to press charges agains Snape. That should teach him a lesson. Of course Harry already did that during the duel. Though of course I kind of feel sorry for old Snivellus...

Anyways, this is a wonderful story and I can't wait until the next update!!
Wednesday 7th July 2004 13:52
The Awakening Power
I must say, that was a very, very clever duel. Well done. Also, thank you for continuing to update so often.