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Reviews For Assumptions by Jenadamson

Sunday 14th September 2008 10:11
Saturday 13th October 2007 15:25
lol. I love this story!!! If I was harry I would probably think the same thing. Good job on writting this!!
Sunday 2nd September 2007 14:55
loved it!
Thursday 7th September 2006 19:55
Cute and sweet!!^^
Thursday 27th October 2005 17:17

Ooh! Very good. Usually fics mentioning... stuff like .... arousal... make me a bit... twitchy, but this wasn't bad. I liked the rest of it. I seriously wondered what you were going to come up with as an alternative for them snogging. I couldn't understand what they could have been doing that would make sense in the situation. Anyway, I'm glad you didn't put them together, that's just... so wrong. Good job! I liked the ending... heh... making it up to her.... hee! n.n


Sunday 28th August 2005 19:51
I thought Ginny and MAlfoy were doing something to betray his father, I disdn't think they wre snogging because if they were..well to say the whole world would have been unhappy with you would probably be an understatement I mean umm overstatement because not everyone cares and not everyone is h/ I guess I'm just completely wrong. IT was a great fic though. Keep up the good work.


PS: I hope that review wasn't too rambly.
Monday 29th August 2005 06:27Assumptions (Author Response)
Not too rambly at all!  Thank you so much for it!
Monday 22nd August 2005 06:27

wow. I hope you are making more chapters


Cherry xxx














Monday 29th August 2005 06:28Assumptions (Author Response)
Well, this story was just a one-shot.  Thanks for the review though.  I'm glad you liked it.
Sunday 21st August 2005 15:12

Haha funny authors note at the end! Nice story too, I loved the Harry and Ginny banter, very bold of Harry wasn't it!

Monday 29th August 2005 06:28Assumptions (Author Response)
Thank you for the review!
Friday 19th August 2005 02:02

How lovely

Sounds just like Ginny, not telling anyone her troubles and taking care of things herself. You really nailed her character to the detail if you ask me. And the 'I know' sequences had me smiling, especially the repetition. It's such a simple thing but it really lifts the story beyond the ordinary and makes it clever.

Monday 29th August 2005 06:29Assumptions (Author Response)
Thank you!  I'm so pleased you liked it!
Wednesday 17th August 2005 22:50
The amazing thing about this is how many elements feel like they're straight out of HBP. Too bad there wasn't any foreshadowing of the / relationship. Nobody saw it coming, huh?

This is wonderful and sweet and sexy in a very age-correct way. And I'm glad Ginny wasn't really off snogging Malfoy. 'Cause, you know...
Thursday 18th August 2005 02:31Assumptions (Author Response)

Thank you!  I'm glad you thought it was sexy *and* age-appropriate - for a while I was concerned it was a bit too risky for the PG-13 rating (or one part of it was).

And nope, no foreshadowing at all.  We all just got very lucky! 

Thank you for the lovely review!


Wednesday 17th August 2005 10:13
Fantastic job! I can't wait to hear more from you and read what you've already written!
Wednesday 17th August 2005 13:09Assumptions (Author Response)
Thank you so much!  I'm glad you liked it.
Wednesday 17th August 2005 00:43
I agree, there is no way that Ginny would want anything to do with the slimy Slytherin git.  You spun a wonderful tale.  Thanks so much for sharing it with us. 
Wednesday 17th August 2005 13:10Assumptions (Author Response)
Thank you so much for the review!  I appreciate it.  :)
Tuesday 16th August 2005 15:27
This was sooo cute! For a while I seriously thought that Gin and Draco were kissing. Whew! What a relief. This was awesome. Great job!!
Wednesday 17th August 2005 13:11Assumptions (Author Response)
Oh, thank you! 
Monday 15th August 2005 16:58
'Ah ha, you scarlet women, I've caught you,'  That was really funny. I got to when he was suppose to say that, and I couldn't stop laughing. I mean, I can totally picture it. Harry standing there his finger pointing at Ginny, "Ah ha, you scarlet women, I've caught you," I mean that is just great. Really great. Gawd! I'm stupid. Your story was really good. I liked it a lot!
Wednesday 17th August 2005 13:11Assumptions (Author Response)

Thanks so, so much!  Your review made me laugh out loud! 

Thanks again!



Monday 15th August 2005 16:34
I think I read this over at SIYE. Loved it then, love it now. Awesome one shot!
Wednesday 17th August 2005 13:12Assumptions (Author Response)
Thank you!  I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)
Friday 9th July 2004 00:49

I'm pretty sure I reviewed this at the ficafest, but it deserves another go round. I still love this story, especially the way you keep us guessing about Malfoy for so long.

No way , he thought. No bloody way. He was going to kill that slimy git, Malfoy. With his bare hands. There was nothing else to be done. And when he was done with the rat-faced, ferret boy...he was going to...he was going to...hurt her. A sickening feeling of dread and anger resided in his stomach. How could she? All this time, and she was secretly running off to snog Malfoy? Well, not anymore she wasn't. He was putting a stop to it. Soon.

Great opening. Leaves you fearing for Ginny a bit, and hoping Harry manages to keep a lid on his temper, and you know he wouldn't be so angry about it if Ginny didn't mean anything to him. I also love the way Ginny takes Harry to task in this fic, about not needing him to protect her because she can take care of herself, and also for believing she would snog Malfoy, which we all know is simply ridiculous. And then there was the yummy kissage

All around, a very enjoyable fic!