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Reviews For The Lake by GiaPotter

Monday 1st September 2008 10:23
The Lake
hmmm... that necklace sounds interesting...
Friday 7th July 2006 16:19
The Lake
Okay. That was good.
Friday 7th July 2006 16:19
The Lake
Okay. That was good.
Thursday 8th July 2004 14:25
The Lake
A little choppy in places, like you're rushing the plot along. What happened to Aunt Marge? Was she still there when Harry left? Why did Petunia get another howler? What precipitated it? Slow down and give a little more info.
Thursday 8th July 2004 02:59
The Lake
UPdate, please! But did aunt marge only stay for a day?? and what will Harry do when it turn green near Ginny?? I WANNA KNOW???????