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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Bond by Gridley

Sunday 20th August 2006 00:41
Harry Potter and the Bond
Hope that wedding turned out well. I think I'm a bit late to wish you luck with the ceremony so I'll wish you luck with the marriage

I cried again... WHY WON'T PEOpLE STOP DOING THAT??? grr... I've cried over Ginny only to find out she was only unconsious (very long story as to how he didn't realize that), I've cried over Tonks and Sirius and even Draco (on Harry's side where he belongs!! l0l I beleive in a reformed Draco even though I don't think JKR will see that way of thinking as well *mumbles something about people who hate him... grr*) I've also had a little sniffle when someone killed off Lavender, Parvati, and a 1st year on a Hogsmeade weekend all in one go... WHEN WILL THE AUTHORS STOP TORTURING ME??? Gosh so mean...

l0l anyway I liked this chapter but I formally and officially announce my hating Peter and how I hate how you have Harry cantacting him (Remus' last request or not -- I still have a bone to pick with you about that. Remus never said anything about how much he loves/d Harry or anything. He just said Peter-- help him! and all that junk... grr... again)

Friday 20th July 2007 09:24Harry Potter and the Bond (Author Response)
Well, we're still married and pretty happy, so I'd say it has worked out. :-)

I would have been lynched if I killed off Ginny, and as she's my favorite character I wouldn't have done it anyway. Of course, that doesn't mean I can't beat her up...

I'm sorry you're uphappy about Peter, though I don't think it was beyond the bounds of possibility when I wrote this. Less likely now, but, well, in a few hours we'll know, won't we?
Saturday 8th July 2006 18:54
Harry Potter and the Bond
Good for Peter, even if he is a little traitorous rat. This is all so exciting...

...congratulations on your wedding, though considering this fanfic has been around a while I assume it was a while ago...
Monday 17th July 2006 06:42Harry Potter and the Bond (Author Response)
Just under two years, now.

Been a busy two years.

But thanks! Not only are we still happily married, we managed to beat the rush of our friends getting married. :-}
Friday 19th November 2004 00:59
Harry Potter and the Bond
Okay, I can go to bed now and read the rest tomorrow. $!!+, I can't believe you really killed Lupin.  But redeeming Peter is an interesting concept.  I'll stick with you.  Great contagious fic.
Friday 19th November 2004 04:53Harry Potter and the Bond (Author Response)

As you read along, I recommend allowing enough time for the first few chapters of "HP&t Price of Freedom" before you start the last few of "HP&t Bond". Just a suggestion. :-)

Thanks for all the reviews! A score in one day is most definately a record for me!

Friday 9th July 2004 17:05
Harry Potter and the Bond
I somehow missed the last chapter of this and am so glad I did as I had more to read! You killed Remus! Arrgghh. Boo Hoo. Don't want to forgive to Peter, but it's in Harry's character. He can forgive him, I'm going to be like Ron and continue hating. him. Poor Harry. The link between he and Ginny is good, really good stuff and I can't wait for more.
Congrats on the nuptuals! Enjoy and I hope you have a great day!
Friday 9th July 2004 17:05Harry Potter and the Bond (Author Response)
Harry still hates him too, to some extent. Harry's one of the very few people I can see giving Peter a chance - Dumbledore being one of the others, along with Remus. I think he needs that chance, to really earn the Order of Merlin he was awarded.
Thursday 8th July 2004 13:10
Harry Potter and the Bond

You know I love your stories, and I am enjoying being your beta. This chapter was a very interesting one, since you A) killed off Remus, B) had a little "no-name" talk in the middle, C) Peter's letter, D) Harry and Ginny linking in a different way. Can't wait to find out how you tie all of this together --

Congrats too on the upcoming nuptials...I'm sure your fans will understand

Thursday 8th July 2004 13:10Harry Potter and the Bond (Author Response)
I'm afraid it won't ALL tie together until Harry Potter and the Price of Freedom (next up in this universe), but I promise it will!

Thank you for being my beta!