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Reviews For The Future's End by Sorting Hat

Thursday 24th April 2008 07:58
The Future's End
woh... thats insane! which means that harry doesnt live and james becomes non exsistant... darn volde
Sunday 2nd December 2007 07:43
The Future's End
:O:O your mean!!! that cliffy!!!
Oh there was someting that i was thinking about with kermonie as the caldron copy adn n the dorms..... oh yeah! if hermonie was being controlled wouldnt she have agreed with James that he should go back in time to the attack and fix it? but then i suppose that hermonie might not get taken...
Tuesday 7th November 2006 17:50
The Future's End
O.k this is really bleak. Poor Harry . And who can you trust in this story?
Wednesday 4th August 2004 19:18
The Future's End
Wow, this is a really good story thus far! I saw the link, clicked it, and am now hooked to see what happens next. It's really complex, I like how it's been woven.

Please, do keep it up^^ I wanna find out what happens!
