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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion by Melindaleo

Saturday 4th October 2008 03:57
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
You should get a story and publish it ... you have great ideas !
Thursday 4th October 2007 19:29
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Ginny's howler is classic - Harry really needs her to set him straight!

I like that you had the twins go get him. I'll be interested to see why Privet Drive isn't safe for Harry anymore.

Thank you!
Thursday 19th April 2007 18:49
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
What a wonderful mental image to end on!
Tuesday 27th February 2007 05:35
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
I think it is great that Ginny sent Harry a howler. At least it was a good catalyst to get things moving. I'm glad the twins got Harry. Did Alastor and Shaklebolt get the Durseley's? I look forward to the next chapter. Thanks for writing. p
Saturday 5th August 2006 20:58
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Okay, first of all, I don't know what took me so long to read this. It's really great. I still can't believe this was your first go at it. It's really fantastic so far.
I wanted to cry for Harry when he thought that he deserve to get hit by his uncle. He's weak and uncared for, and his uncle had the nerve to throw him against the wall. Ugh! So sad. I frowned all through that scene.

Ha! I can't believe that Ginny sent that Howler. That was funny. Only Ginny. Hehe.
What a smart bird Harry has. I'm glad Hedwig had enough sense to send that abandoned letter. Good for her.

Looking forward to reading more.
Sunday 9th July 2006 16:05
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Another great chapter. I am continuing on to the next chapter and really didn't want to stop to make this brief of a review but I figured -Hey why not?- soo...


Wednesday 5th July 2006 12:09
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
Oh dear, thats not good.. not good at all.. At least Ginny and Harry are in the same house now.. that should set him straight. I loved this chapter aswell.. I think you have captured the Dursleys perfectly, and the howler from Ginny was great lol. Exactly the sort of thing I could see her doing.
Tuesday 13th June 2006 15:57
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion
This does not sound to good to me!
Wednesday 9th March 2005 08:47
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion

Ok i'm not really a fan of an 'out of control with anger' Ginny. I mean she was incredibly stupid to send that Howler. It was obvious that the Dursleys would give Harry a hard time.

Secondly the whole Harry finding it funny afterwards - I don't know. he's locked up in his room after it. I really don't feel he would find that very amusing.



Friday 22nd October 2004 22:36
Harry Potter and the Power of Emotion

   I can definitely see Ginny unloading a howler on Harry if she felt like he deserved it and then regretting it "somewhat"  when she sees the fallout from her actions.  I love the way she catches him when he falls at the end of the chapter.